No Love

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Chapter seventy seven

After Gus had left and I had finally stopped crying, I changed into a clean pair of underwear snd sweatpants, padded myself up...literally and got comfortable on the hotel bed; it was going to be a long and painful day. I had done my research so I knew what was in store for me but I didn't picture myself doing it alone, I thought at least Gus would be here. The recent events played in my mind and I felt myself breaking down again, it was probably due to hormones but it sucked. It sucked fucking ass.

What did I do? I called Emma.


"Emily? What's wrong?"

"Gus walked out and I don't know where he is but he's been gone for almost an hour and a half"

"Why'd he leave? Did you tell him you were pregnant?"

"Well last night he gave me the pill thinking it was a painkiller or something but when I woke up this morning I was bleeding heavily so I told him what it was and why I had it and he just got up and left"

There was a short silence until i heard her sigh.

"Okay just watch tv, get comfortable and make sure you drink and eat plenty. I'm going to call him"

"O-okay, thank you"

"Is there anything I can do? Book you a plane home?"

"No I'll be fine, I'm sure Goth will show up at some point"

"Okay, see you soon love"

"Bye Flemma"

As she hung up, goth walked through the door looking like he just woke up.

"Morning Emmy, where's Gus?"

"I have no idea"

"Why n- have you been crying?"

Just like I did with Emma, I explained the whole situation to him and after giving me a hug he offered to change the bedding which I ruined; god I love my best friend. Once I could sit back down on the bed, he past me a bottle of water and a packet of chips but also passing me a heated towel.

"For the cramps"

At least he cared.


*Gus' POV*

Leaning over the bridge railing I breathed out the smoke of my cigarette, I'm not a big fan of tabacco but I really couldn't care right now. I killed my own baby without even knowing it. If I hadn't of insisted on going to that stupid party, all this wouldn't have happened.

My phone ringing interrupted my thoughts.

"Emma? Isn't it like the middle of the night over there?"

"Just shut up and listen peep"


"I just got off the phone with Emily, who was crying her eyes out as she told me what happened. I can see why you freaked out Peep but you are a massive dick for walking out on her"

"Emma, I killed my own baby. How am I supposed to deal with that?"

"Not by walking out and leaving your baby's mother alone while distressed! She was going to abort it anyway unless you wanted to keep it, you just gotta go back there and talk to her"

"I can't, at least not yet Emma"

"Okay, if you need more time you can get her some things on your way back"

"Like what?"

"Take out, chocolate, a hot water bottle. I used to complain about my cramps to you all the time but what she must be feeling will be 10X worse than anything I've ever experienced"

"Damn, and I left her alone to face that?"


"I'm such a dick aren't I?"


"Okay, thanks ketchupemma I love you"

"I love you too mustardgus"

I hung up and headed to the nearest fast food place, ordering everything I know she'll love. Next I got her a little weed for the pain I know she's probably going through before heading back to the hotel.

Let's hope Em forgives me.


*Em's POV*

I put down my notebook and pen, feeling slightly better now that the cramps were kinda backing off a bit. Normally I didn't write songs, more raps, but I was really proud of what I had just wrote down.

It was something to take my mind off of Gus.

Yeah I was worried about him but holy fuck was I so so mad at him, just leaving like that? That was so not okay. I know and get why he must need his space but he couldn't he have done it in a better way?

That was when the door opened.

Standing there drenched in rain from head to toe, carrying an armful of stuff was Gus and boy was I pissed. I couldn't even look at him right now so I just ignored him as he dumped the stuff on the dresser and sat on the bed.



Slowly getting up I grabbed the stuff he got me and locked myself in the bathroom, I didn't want to listen to his apology right now.

"Baby, I'm sorry I walked out like that"

No response

"I am really, that's why I got you subway and some weed"

I didn't say anything, and neither did he after 10 or 15 minuets; time in which I spent thinking everything over.

"Knock once if you forgive me"

I didn't knock.

"Knock twice if you're considering forgiving me"

I stayed still.

"Knock three times if you're considering forgiving me but want me to go to Goth's room"

I knocked three times.

I heard Gus sigh and eventually leave as I smoked my weed and ate my food. Now I'm the one who needs space.

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