Apparation Love

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Chapter seventy six

*Gus' POV*


The sound of my phone buzzing woke me up from my nap, though if it wasn't that it would either be goth's snoring or the loud cheering and music from downstairs. Checking my phone i quickly realised that it has been blowing up for ages, how the fuck didn't I notice before? The further I scrolled through twitter, the sooner I saw why my phone had been blowing up.


I felt anger bubble up and I rolled my eyes more times than I can count, why were the tabloids such bullshit? Is that what she wanted to talk to me about? I looked over and saw she wasn't in bed asleep where I left her, what the fuck??

"Goth! Wake your ass up"

"Huh whhaaat?"

"Em's gone"

"What'd you mean she's gone?"

Immediately he was up and by my side, heading to the bedroom door that was open a jar instead of closed.

"I mean she isn't asleep and in bed like we thought"

Unlike how it was a few hours ago, people weren't spread out the house but crowding round a table cheering someone on as look at me! Blared out.

That person was Em.

It was clear that she was still very high seeing that she had stripped down to her black underwear and was dancing very.......erotically. At first I was shocked but then soon became mortified when I saw her doing several shots of vodka. Pushing past everyone that was gathered around the table, I pulled Em down as Goth turned off the music...let's just say some people weren't happy.

"Dude what you doing?"

"Yeah man let the lady have her fun"

I ignored everyone's booing and took Em out to the car instead of back upstairs, gathering up all her clothes on the way. Knowing Goth was behind me I put my half passed out girlfriend in the passenger seat as he climbed in the back.

I truly feel sorry for anyone who had to put up with me when I was like this.

"Hey goth, do you have anything we can give her?"

"Nah but I'm pretty sure I saw something in her bag"

A few seconds later I was handed a bottle of water and a small, white pill. She wouldn't have anything sketchy so I placed the pill in Em's mouth with some water and helped her swallow it; hopefully this will make her feel better.


*Em's POV*

The second I opened my eyes I quickly shut them and wrapped my arms around my abdomen; it felt like my uterus was being ripped out. Looking down and under the covers was a big mistake, a big disgusting mistake; it looked like my uterus was being ripped out.

With little tears rolling down my face I waddled over to my bag and ripped through it, throwing everything inside on the floor until my fears were proven true.

My abortion pill was gone.

Was I really so fucked up last night that I took it? I didn't even know I could get that fucked up.



"Do you know what happened to the pill that was in my bag?"

"I gave it to you last night while you were passed out because I figured it was a painkiller or something"

Well that answers that question.


Like I expected he came running in but stopped dead in his tracks the second he saw my blood covered sweats. I would've payed more attention to his reaction but another cramp hit me so hard I fell to my knees, causing him to come dashing over to me.

"What the hell is going on?"

"It's that pill Gus, it wasn't a painkiller"

"What was it?"

I looked down and took a deep breath, this isn't how I imagined telling Gus I'm (or was) pregnant.

"It was an abortion pill"


"I'm pregnant Gus"

I could see him absorb the information and fall back a bit on the floor, spacing out.

"You're pregnant? H-how far along? How l-long have you known?"

"I'm around six weeks but I've only known for a week or so"

"So that pill is currently killing the baby?"

"Yeah, that's the reason I flew out here. I wanted you to know before I made a decision"

"I.....I gotta go"

"Gus, wait"

But just like that he was out the door as it slammed behind him.

I'm so not sorry for taking this long my peepers, I wanted to keep you on your toes ;)

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this💖

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