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Chapter fifty two

"Hey Guys! I'm Mel and I'm going to be your waitress for today. Are you two ready to order?"

Gus and I turned to look at our waitress and tried to hide our shocked expectations. This strawberry blonde girl was no older than us and was....big breasted but made no effort to hide it I guess. Let's just say she was very abrupt.

"I'll have a your french special please"

"I'll have your Classic American"


We looked at each other and grinned like little children.

"Chocolate milkshake"

Mel laughed at how we spoke at the same time and sauntered away, my gaze never leaving her ass.


"What? I like her ass but yours is my favourite Gus"

"Remember when I got fucked up and showed my ass to the internet?"

"That was so funny! I think I didn't stop wheezing for an hour"

As we waiting for our drinks and then eventually food, this was how our conversations went. Laughing about the past and making jokes to hide the sad reality behind each memory. There was something we quickly noticed through our meal however, first Gus' milkshake had a love heart in it and the syrup on his pancakes was also a shape of a heart.

As Mel came back, her cleavage was more pronounced and skirt noticeably shorter. Gus passed her the money (he insisted on paying) when she pulled out a piece of paper and put it on the table.

"I know this is very unprofessional but text me okay? You're really hot and think we could have something nice"

"I'm so sorry but this is my girlfriend and -"

Mel rolled her eyes and snatched the paper which I guess had her number on it back.

"Actually, I was talking to her"

With that she walked away as Gus was left with his jaw on the ground and me almost passed out from laughter.

"O-oh my f-fucking GOD"

He grumbled and got up and pulled me up and tugged me out the door as I struggled to stop laughing.

"It wasn't that funny"

"You're right it's not funny, it's hilarious"


We got back in the car and headed back to the house; not forgetting to continue our jamming out session. This moment in time was probably one of my favourites ever, it was so simple and innocent in a way. Just us singing to our favourite songs like we have no cares in the world; it was utterly peaceful.

Halfway through our journey, we were passed by several ambulances and police cars.

"What the hell happened?"

"No idea but I hope the traffic isn't bad"

As soon as Gus said that, we were submerged in a seemingly endless row of standstill cars. Just our fucking luck. During our grumbling, a thought popped into my head and I immediately started to grin.

"I'm in traffic today, all day long. What is it 3PM?"

Gus bursts out laughing at my attempt to do the voice he did in the video. I giggled as well but had no idea why Gus' soon died out as he started to get out the car.

"Where the hell are you going?"

He ignored me and legged it to what I could I guessed was the crash. Getting out the car as well, I tried to see what was going on when I spotted him running back over screaming at me to get back in. What the actual fuck?

With tears streaming down his face, Gus hopping in and started driving in the lane meant only for emergency services; he was even driving like one.

"What's going on Gus? Why are you crying?"

"It's Ma and Eddie, they're in the ambulance up front. It was them in the destroyed taxi"

My happy mood broke down an cue and i stared crying as much as he was. I consider Gus' family as my own because they've been for me more than my actual family have; not only is Liza hurt but Eddie was too. He's the only biological family I have left basically. I can't loose either of them.

While Gus was full on sobbing, I gripped his hand as a way to try and keep both of us together as much as possible.

It was the only thing I could do.


*Gus' POV*

I hate hospitals. I hate hospitals with a burning passion. You would think I would be used to them by now...well I'm not. It's disturbing how many times I've been in waiting rooms, praying for my loved ones survival. Very disturbing. I'm also not used to the shitty plastic chairs but Em worrying is, instantly she got comfortable and silently cried. I wasn't so quiet.

"Excuse me?"

We looked up at the doctor who immediately recognised me; it's not the first time I've been here. The doctor's face face fell and she signed deeply. This can't be a good.

"Gustav, your mother's fine. She has a broken collarbone and fractured arm but...which one of you is related to Edward Warsmith?"

Emily rose out of her chair and followed the doctor to a different room; oh god this can't be good. A second later, her wails filled the waiting room. Slowly waking to where she was, Em ran into my arms and sobbed into my chest at my arrival.

"Eddie's dead"

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