Fucked Up

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Chapter seventy

I sensed myself stirring awake in what sounded and felt like a car; I can't believe I'm alive...I swear I died? Maybe that was just in the dream I've seemed to have woken up from.

"Hey baby girl.......you okay"

Gus' soft voice and hands that were stroking my damn hair strangely lulled me awake, the car was completely dark except from the passing streetlights that lit up his face. I rolled over onto my back so I could get a better look at his eyes ; they were filled with worry and relief which all changed when I started to giggle.

"What's so funny?"

"A month ago we were at your mother's and everything was fine, now look at what's happened"

"And you're laughing about that because..........?"

"It's kinda funny how much shit changes"

"She's got a point man"

"Will you two stop? You're laughing about a near suicide, her near suicide!"

"Baby, listen to me-"

I grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it.

"I understand what I put you through and I'm sorry, but I'm okay now. I had a dream where I did jump and I immediately regretted it. I won't ever do anything like that again"

"You promise?"

"Pinky swear"

I held out my pinky finger which he accepted with a goofy smile; both of us lightly giggling. Out of the blue the car turned a corner, rolling me off of Gus' lap (who was laughing his ass off) and onto the floor between the seats.

"Thanks for the warning T"

"Sorry lil lady, you okay down there?"

"I'm stuck"

"Do you want me to pull over?"

"Stop laughing you two! I'm really stuck"

The vibrations of the engine told me that we had pulled over and the car had stopped, though the boy's laughing hadn't. Fucking assholes, it's not like I asked to be stuck.

They both had exited the vehicle and while T was on his phone Gus was starring at me giggling quietly. Standing there but not helping me. I know how to make him help me.

"Gus, if you don't help me out this car.....I'm not putting out when we get home"

His eyes widened almost comically and I was standing next to the car in a matter of seconds; I swear that boy is always horny. Giving him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you I went to get my phone when I heard his phone ring; some girl named Arzaylea.

"Babe, your phones ringing"

"Can you get it for me?"

Arzaylea must just be a friend or he wouldn't have let me answer it.


"You aren't Peep"

"Obviously not, I'm Em"

"I didn't know he had a sister"

"He doesn't"

"Then who are you?"

"I'm his girlfriend"

The line went dead for a second and I almost hung up when this chicks voice, which had turned much angrier, returned.

"If he's with you, put him on the phone. Now."

"What's going on?"

"I just found out that my boyfriend of seven months has another girlfriend"

"Wait, you and Gus having been dating since, What April?"

"Yeah, our anniversary was going to be April 12th"

I can't fucking believe this.

"If you see him, tell him Arzaylea says hi and that we're over"

And then the line went dead.

"Who was it?"

Gus came bouncing over to me, putting his chin on my shoulder and hands on my hips but I shook him off; I don't know what to think right now.

"What's wrong?"

I walked away but I knew he was behind me.

"I got to talk to Arzaylea, she seems nice"

"She called? I haven't talked to her in months"

"Well you want to know what she said? She told me that you two have been dating since April"

"April? Yeah we dated but it was only for like a month during our break"

"According to her it hasn't ended"

"That's because I forgot that she existed!.........are you mad at me?"

"I'm not mad I'm.....confused"

"You can't seriously believe her over me"

"I don't, well I think I don't. Since our break ended there's been a lot of videos of us on the internet so she's either stupid or she's just really unobservant"

"Baby listen to me, Arzaylea and I dated for a month when we were on a break. Didn't you go out with anyone else when we weren't together?"

I kept quite because I knew my silence told him everything he needed to know.

"You didn't go out with anyone else did you? Why not?"

"Because every second we weren't together, I spent missing you. The most I ever did was a few one night stands because all I could think about was how they weren't you"

"Well know I feel like shit"

"Don't, I did enjoy it once but that was when I ate out a straight girl who was experimenting"

"Don't say stuff like that in public"

"Why no-.......ohhhhhhh"

"Uh Tracy, take us home. Now. As for us, time to have some fun"

I stood on my tip toes and whispered in his ear; knowing the effect it would have on him.

"Rip my shirt, kiss my neck, throw me on the floor boy make me sweat"

When I felt it against my leg, I smiled. Gus was right, this will be fun.

I know this story has gotten hella problematic but promise it'll calm down a bit. I've got a question I need to ask though...

Do you guys want smut?

I used to be very uncomfortable with smut when it came to Gus but I think I'm okay with it enough to write it if you guys want and will enjoy it. Please comment below what you want! It'll effect future chapters :))

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