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Chapter sixty six

"Okay, turn here"

I did what I was told and followed Gus' directions without knowing where they would take us; from the looks of it he was enjoying seeing my confused face.

"You gonna tell me where I'm taking us?"

"In five seconds you'll see"

As promised we arrived at our destination, the pink sign above us making sure there was no confusion as to where we were.

"Disneyland? We're at DISNEYLAND?"

"Baby girl, welcome to your first official date with yours truly"

"Should I be concerned at your lack of memory or something?"

"Well, like, come on did McDonald's really count? Did the karaoke bar count? Did Starbucks and IHOP count?"

"Yes, yes, yes and yes"

"Can we pretend this is the first date?"

"You are one hell of a weirdo"

"I know"

I parked the car and mentally prepared myself for the magic that was going to be the day ahead; it being after seeing John made it so much better. Coming to Disneyland has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl, and now here I am with my favourite person.

"What ride do you want to go on first?"

"Space mountain 100%"

"Good because I wouldn't have accepted any other answer"

Gus took me by the hand and led me to the gate, then to the line of the ride after an hour of waiting. Every so often he would look back at me and show off his goofy smile, making me laugh at his expression.

This was going to be amazing; I just knew it.


Because he had been here before, Gus insisted he has to choose where we ate for lunch; I really didn't care though. I was at fucking Disneyland with my boyfriend......I couldn't give a flying fuck where stopped for lunch.

"I'll go order and you save a table for us?"

"Sure, you know what I like"

Leaving a kiss on my head, Gus went to get our food and I sat down at our table. Checking my phone i posted a quick selfie to my Instagram story but putting it down after; it felt like someone was watching me. I looked around the blur that was Disneyland but he stood out loud and clear, starring at me.

But it was impossible right?

The second I blinked he was gone. Just like that. Without a trace. Was I crazy? When I looked somewhere else, there he was again; looking at me, grinning like the monster he was. Everywhere I looked there he was but every time I blinked he was gone.

"Hello? Anyone home?"

Somehow I never noticed Gus sitting in front of me with a tray full of our food; still looking goofy.

"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost"

I know I should tell him.....but it would ruin the whole trip and I don't want that.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, just thought I saw someone I knew"

"You gonna eat or what?"

"Oh right.......yeah"

"Are you sure you're okay?"


He didn't press any further but I could tell he didn't believe it when I said I was alright; I don't blame him, even I know I'm not convincing. We dug into our meal, not talking but smiling at each other....I could still feel someone's eyes on me though.

It wasn't supposed to be this way, I got my closure, he shouldn't still be haunting me like this. Everywhere I looked I could see him, his eyes, the back of his head.....even his shadow. The only thing I could do was look at Gus and try not to think about it although that was easier said than done.

"I'm so so sorry for this but can we go home after this?"

"Why? Has something happened?"

"No I just don't feel too good so rollercoasters are the last thing I need right now"

"Okay.......But you would tell me though if something had happened?"

"Of course.........lets just go"

Dumping our leftovers in the trash we went to the parking lot, Gus reluctantly let me climb in the drivers seat; giving me the mother of all concerned looks. Despite some of our favourite tracks blaring throughout the Benz, I couldn't shake the odd feeling that was clouding my brain.

Gus and I never talked the whole way back, but he gripped my hand every time it was safe to. When we were only 10 minuets away from the apartment, I saw something standing in the road; it looked like a person. The closer we got the more into focus the person became, his tattoos, his shaved head......his grin. Every fibre in my body told me to scream and slam on the brakes, so that's what I did; I didn't even consider the cars behind us.

It only came to mind when I felt my whole body being jerked forward and my head hitting the steering wheel.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated for like a week but my phones been spazzing out. I know it's not much but here's a little chapter with a cliff hanger ;) enjoy lmao

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