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Chapter twenty five

It has been two weeks since the accident and Gus is still in the hospital with another week to go before he can leave. It's killing him. He's been having some withdrawals so I sneak him Xanax every once in a while. I know it's bad but it keeps him calm because he's not a big fan of hospitals either.

I've left his side the least amount of times I could but I had to somedays because Liza and I have been decorating our place as a surprise. It looks so sick I just know Gus' gonna love it.

I was currently in the queue for Taco Bell because I know his hates the hospital food the most. I don't blame him, I've had it before plenty of times and it's shit. Very, very shit.

"That'll be $40"

$28 being food for Gus, bloody pig.

As I waited for my order, Layla stood next to me obviously oblivious to me being there. Please don't recognise me. The cashier recited my order as he passed the two bags of food to me and I was just about to leave when somebody spoke up. Oh jeez.

"Hey you! With the blue hair, wait up"

Did I wait up? Nope, did she catch up anyway? You bet but I was half way to the rental Benz Truck by the time she did.

"You're the girl who was there when my boyfriend broke up with me, on the bus"

"Yeah so? How did you know?"

"I never forget a face and you have his exact order"

"What do you want?"

"I want to see him"

"No way, he loved you and you broke him. Seeing you is the last thing he needs right now"

I climbed into the rental, putting the food on the passenger seat and pulling out of the parking lot. None of us needed her pushing her way back in our lives. Not a single one of us.

As I pulled up, I noticed the same car that had been behind me for the last 10 miles pull up next to mine. I brushed it off and headed to Gus' room, I bet he'll smell the food before he sees it.

"I smell Taco Bell"

Damn boy has the noise of a greyhound.

"That's because I have some!"

Our eyes met and every inch of his face lit up at the sight of the food, bloody child he was. I passed him his bag and we dug in; laughing and cracking jokes along the way.

That was until she showed up.

"Oh my god Peep!"

At the sound of her voice, his face fell and his body froze up. I however was concerned about how she managed to find out where we were. What she?

"Did you follow me here?"

"I had to see him and I'm glad I did! What happened?"

"Nothing that concerns you Layla, get out before I drag you out myself"

"Wait, I want to talk to her"

This time it was my body that froze, he wanted to talk to her? I just hoped she didn't do anything in the process.

"Layla, thank you"


"What do you mean Peeper?"

"Thank you for being a cheating bitch because if you hadn't have, I would've never fallen for Em"


The day had finally come, the day that Gus was free to go. I couldn't wait for him to see his surprise, he will flip. Hopefully not really because he's still a bit sore.

"Okay so we're not going back to the hotel"

"Where are we going?"

"If you get in the car you'll find out"

We spent the fifteen minutes it took to get to our building singing to whatever came on the radio and popping Xanax every once in a while.

We were outside the door with a complete apartment filled with our favourite people on the other side. I had all of the GBC, Goth, Liza and Oskar. Even his grandmother who is the coolest woman that's ever existed.

"Babe, why are we here"

"Because of this"

I opened the door and his jaw dropped like an earthquake, I had to put I back in place for him because he was so stunned. He turned to me and kissed me firmly.

"You are beyond amazing, I can't believe you did this!"

"This is why I kept disappearing while you were in the hospital"

He couldn't stop smiling and I knew it wasn't the Xanax.

"Go have fun, it is your birthday"

"I love you so much"

"I love you"

He kissed me one last time before skipping off to T and Goth who looked over and waved. This was going to be fun, my last party as a nineteen year old and Gus' first as a twenty year old.

Time to get fucked up.


Six pills and beers later, the door bell rang and I danced over, only slightly drunk and opened the door.

Holy fucking shit.




I jumped into his arms and he wrapped them around me, I haven't seen him in years. His hair was blue now and he wore all black contacts.

"I haven't seen you in forever, what are you even doing here?"

"I'm best friends with Lil Peep, do you know him?"

"Such a small fucking world, Lil Peep is my boyfriend"

"No way! You're the lady everyone's been seeing him with?"

"Yep, the one and only"

"Where is Peep?"

"No idea, probably in the wreck room. Down the hall and to your right"

"See ya later little E"

I headed to the kitchen and did the final touches to the small ass cake and hooked up the mini microphone. There's no way in hell I'm shouting over all of these people.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please gather in the dinning area because it's time for our one and only scary ass Peep to blow"

Laughter howled from all around the place as thunderous footsteps drew closer. Amongst the crowd I saw Post Malone, when the hell did he get here? Soon Gus was in place and the shitty cake I decorated was brought out as everyone sung happy birthday; his mother being one of the loudest.

With a child's grin on his face he blew out the candles and I passed the microphone to him while I slipped out the door to get the final surprise. He was absolutely going to shit himself when he sees this.

"Holy shit I do not know where to begin. First of shoutout to all my producers because you fuckers are helping me preach. Mum, thank you for putting up with my shit for 20 years and my baby girl Em, thank you for keeping me alive I love you"

The crowd awed but even more so when I burst in with Gus' family dog who's name I still don't know. All heads were looking my way except Gussie's, time to get his attention.

"Happy birthday baby!"

His eyes finally met mine and lit up like a Christmas tree. He dived forward and embraced the dog in a massive reunion type way. I let the puppy off the lead and Gus looked up at me.

"I'm gonna marry you one day"

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