Last fall

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Chapter sixty

I took in her appearance as my jaw chilled with the dinosaurs, her old blonde extensions had been traded in for natural brown hair and she was wearing slightly more clothes; a lace bralette and shorts that could pass as underwear. It all seemed irrelevant now, the stripper that I locked in a dumpster was now standing in front of me as my fathers girlfriend. Bloody Avery for fuck sake; I had almost forgotten about her as well.

"I need some air"

"Oh, well don't be too long we have so much to-"

I didn't hear the end of that sentence as I had already ran out the door of the place I would always run too...ironic isn't it? The anxiety in my stomach started to boil and I didn't even know why, do I even have a good reason to be this anxious? I have no idea.

A couple blocks soon turned into a few dozen blocks and I quickly became lost in an unfamiliar area, I went to reach in my short pockets when I remembered that my phone was on the restaurant table; fucking great. Naturally I checked for any loose change so I could use a payphone but I was outta luck; looks like I memorised Gus' number for nothing.

I only have one option left, ask to use someone's phone...oh fuck.

I saw that just ahead of me was two guys, one wearing a hoodie and a beanie while the other was wearing a denim vest and SnapBack; I was grateful that they looked to have a similar style.

I soon caught up to them and it started it hit me how familiar their voices were to me...strange.

"Um excuse me? Sorry weird question but can I borrow your phone? I left mine back with my boyfriend and I don't have any change for a pay phone or a cab"

When the two guys turned around I realised why I recognised them, it was Lil Xan and his friend Steven.

"I guess...wait a minuet - aren't you Peep's girl Em?"

"Y-yeah how'd you know?"

"We're both big fans of you and Peep, what's up though? Why you lost alone?"

"Needed some air after a hoe came back into my life in the most unexpected way, took a walk and walked a bit too far away from UNO's"

"UNO's? We love that place ma! Want a ride there?"

"That would be amazing but.....where's your car?"

"Right over there"

As we all crossed the street, I saw Diego pull out an orange pill bottle and swallow two white ones; he saw my concerned face and chuckled.

"Don't worry ma, they ain't xans. They're Norcos, powerful painkillers and they're legit....want one?"

"Um...........sure gimme two"

"Damn you a baddie"

"I guess"

The three of us climbed into the black suv and it wasn't long before I felt the effects of the drug I took; it felt amazing. Like Xanax but better and less extreme? I don't know that much about them but it was too late now, I can trust Diego anyway.

This's the best high I've ever had by far.

After 20 minuets or so, Steven helped me out of the car and left me outside UNO's reluctantly; why were they concerned? I'm more than perfect. Stumbling into the establishment it didn't take me long to notice how sad everyone looked; had someone died something?

"Why y'all so sad all of a sudden?"

Gus was the first to stand up and looked at me with hurt mixed with anger in his glossy eyes.

"I thought I could confront you but I can barely look at you right now"

With one last disgusted glare he pushed passed me and left, leaving me confused as fuck...what the hell was going on?

"Can someone explain to me what  the hell all that was about?"

Next to talk to me was my birth father who had more hurt in his eyes than anyone in the room...which was only me, him and Avery.

"Read this"

Bradley handed me his phone and my eyes widen at what I saw on the screen.


Attached was a photo of me in Diego's car shoving the two narcos in my mouth.......they very much looked liked xans.

"After everything Gus told me, I'm very disappointed in you"


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