Lie To Me

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Chapter sixty eight

*Tracy's POV*

I knew I had no choice in the matter but I didn't want to wake up when I felt my dream slipping away and replaced with reality. The numbed back pain returned as I sat up and stretched, it has been like this for weeks; Peep in the hospital bed clinging onto life as Em and I take turns sleeping on the chair and on the floor.

Other than that, nothing changed; Peep was still asleep and we had no idea when he was going to wake up.

Taking a sip of water from the jug next to me, I checked my phone to see that Peep being in the hospital was officially news of the day......#getwellsoonpeep was trending on twitter. Within five minutes I had found several articles on the situation and I had multiple DMs asking me what was going on.

That was when a text came through.

I can't do this is anymore, all I do is fuck things up and now I almost got Gus killed. I refuse to do that to anyone again.

I'm sorry. Tell him I'm sorry.

Oh shit. Oh shit shit shit shit. I knew she was struggling with Peep being in the hospital but I didn't know it was this bad. Yeah she blamed herself but I had no idea she was going to take it this far.......I gotta call her.

First try........voicemail
Second try..........voicemail
Sixth try...........voicemail
Ninth try..........voicemail

The more I called and the more it went to voicemail the quicker the fear set in; A part of me knew what she was planning to do but I didn't want to believe it. I tried to call three more times and each time it didn't even ring.....oh fuck.

Pacing up and down I tried to think of someone who I could call; who could help.

"Why are you pacing so much dude?"

My head snapped over to hospital bed where Peep was awake, leaning against the headboard with his arms crossed whole looking rather smug. That was one problem taken care of at least; my brother was okay.

"Oh my god you're awake at last"

"Can't have been that long man, chill"

"Peep, it's been three weeks.....we got bigger issues though"


"It's Em........she blames herself for the accident and you being in the coma thing"

"Wait where is she? She's okay right?"

"We would take turns sleeping on the chair and floor, it was her turn to sleep on the floor but when I woke up this morning she was gone"


"I just thought she went to get breakfast or coffee or something"


"That was when I got a text from her and-"

"Tracy!....Where's Em?"

"I don't know but that's not the worst part"

"What could be worse than Em being missing?"

"I think she's going to kill herself"


*Gus' POV*

Before Tracy could've said anything, I was in my own clothes and out the hospital door without telling any doctors anything. I know the risks I'm taking but leaving so soon after being in a coma for so long but it's worth it; I just need to find Em. Tracy will probably kill me for taking his car and leaving him stranded but I don't care.......I'll deal with him if I need to.

"Come on, answer!"

I called her for the 5th time and absolutely nothing, straight to voicemail just like Tracy told me. While stuck in traffic a thought came to me, if it goes straight to voicemail it means she either has no service or her phones dead. From what Tracy told me she wouldn't have been up long enough for her phone to have died seeing as she charges it every night......that means she has no service. I know for a fact that if Em were to kill herself somewhere that has not reception, it would be the cliffs.

She was going to throw herself off the bay cliffs.

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