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Chapter Nineteen

"You. Look. So. Cute!"

I put down the razor and picked up the bleach dye; he was going to look so adorable. I prepared the bleach and was about to apply it onto his shaved head when he stopped me. Was I doing something wrong? Does he not like the way I shaved his head?

"Wait, I gotta go get something"

He leaped off of the toilet seat and ran into our room. I could hear him rummaging around when he came running back with something in his hands; out of sight.

"When you were in the hospital and I was considering my new hairstyle, I thought about how you'll constantly be reminded of your past. I totally get if you don't want to but I was thinking maybe you could change with me?"

He revealed a box of dye but with all indication to what the colour was covered up. What was this boy up to?"

"What colour is it?"

"That is for me to know and for you to find out baby girl"

"Oh no no no, no you don't"

"Don't you trust me?"

"I do but I don't trust that you were sober when you brought this"

"Fair point but if I didn't like it, I wouldn't have brought it out now"

"Were you sober when you covered it?"


"Do you remember what colour it even is?"


"My lord I'm not doing this"

He gave me his classic puppy eyes and I could feel myself caving. What do I have to loose? If it goes wrong I could always got to a salon and get it fixed.

"Okay, Okay. I'll do you and you'll do me"

"Just how you like it baby"

"Oh you would know"

"Damn right"

We burst out laughing as we applied the hair products to each other's head; both feeling the slight burn and itch. It never occurred to me that I could've checked what colour was in my hair at any point but a part of me didn't want to.

The thrill of it all was too enjoyable.


"Okay, on the count of three we'll turn around"

"Okay, one...two"


Gus was met with an awesome blonde mini Mohawk thingy which I was very proud of. He look sick but I would miss being able to run my hands through his hair. It made him happy though.

As for me you ask?

Pastel. Blue. Fucking. Hair.

"Holy shit"

I had only whispered it but Gus heard and turned to face me with a worried expression.

"Do you not like it?

"Babe I love it! It's so cool"

I jumped into his arms and embraced him. He caught my legs and held me up by my ass. Why can I say? I liked it. After an embarrassingly long make out session, he put me down and put my hair up in a messy ponytail.

"Should we go and show the others?"

"Yeah but let's act like we don't know"

We high fived and sat next to T and goth hand in hand; their faces were priceless. I couldn't explain it, hilarious couldn't comprehend their expressions. We just sat down still snuggled into each other and watched whatever they were watching.

"What The fuck happened to you two?"

We looked at them and shrugged. This was going to be brilliant.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, do you Gus?"

"Nope. No idea"

We shrugged again simultaneously and went back to watching the TV.

"Okay so haven't realised that Gus is basically bald and you have hair the colour of the sky?"

"Wait what?"

We jumped out of our seats and ran to the bathroom to pretend we were freaking out when we were laughing our asses off. Which they heard and chased us for.

"Quick my lady, hop on"

I leaped up on Gus's back and he took off the bus, leaving T and Goth confused in the dust. We didn't stop until we reached a busy, city like area; right outside an empty dominos. Gus and I exchanged looks and saw the time had struck 6: 30 pm.

We were going to order a pizza feast fit for kings......or musicians.

"Can we have a large peperoni and vegetarian, an Italiano garlic bread, three boxes of wedges, chicken strips and cookie with two bottles of coke please?"

The cashier looked at us like we were crazy for ordering over $100 worth of food but I can't blame her, we were four hungry junkies with the munchies. We needed this. For all of our food to be cooked ready for us, it took over an hour and we needed a worker to help us carry it all.

When we got on the bus again, Goth and T's faces dropped harder than their balls and eyes wider than their hearts. We bid farewell to the extra worker and none of us bothered to wait before delving right in.

The food was almost as good as Gus. Almost. Both together however, was heaven on Earth. Without a fucking doubt.


"I'm going to have food quadruplets Gussie, you're going to be a father!"


He went to stand up but fell back down again, half his body weight must be The pizza he had alone. We all groaned when T sat up and pulled a bag of coke from under the couch cushions and his credit card. T made three neat lines as Goth joined too in the snorting of the fairy dust. Gus however stared at it like he was restraining himself from joining them.

"Come on then, let's join them"

"Are you sure?"

"Let's get wasted"

By the way this is what Em's hair looks like now :)

————————————By the way this is what Em's hair looks like now :)

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