Team Cap

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You didn't want it to end like this.

You remembered the pain in his eyes as you agreed with Steve.

The Tears threatening to come down his cheeks as you made a decision.

His hands that were clenched into fists as he stared at Steve.

And the words he said,

"Happy? You've taken everything from me now."

Now as you were across his team you looked around.

The final battle was at the Airport. FFS.

Bucky and Steve were by your side. Along with others who gladly excepted to be on your team.

After a few glares at each other.

The two teams began to attack.

The battle has begun.

Bucky and Steve hitting other Avengers that came in their way.

Tony high above, his blasters aimed at Bucky and Steve.

Your power?

Well you had Spider-Man's abilities.

You went for Spider-Man first. You shot a web at him.

His suit eyes widen.

"You can shoot webs too!" He asked quite happily.

Your eyes widen.

He's a fucking kid.

"How old are you?" You asked. Spider-Man continued to walk towards you.

"15." He said.

You quickly webbed him to the ground.  Your web strongly holding him.

"Tony. You hired a 15 year old kid?!" You growled into the comms.

Tony ignored and fired at Steve and Bucky. You watched as other avengers went at each other.

"The Avengers are being teared apart" you mumbled.

"And who's fault is that?" Tony asked looking at Steve accusingly. Steve growled and used his shield to counter Tony's attack.

You gulp and look at Tony. The word left your mouth before you could think.

You regretted it instantly as Tony gave you a look of sadness. Of no Hope. Of No Love.



"Did you know?" Tony asked after watching the video. Your eyes widen in shock.

Bucky killed his parents. Was it true?

"I didn't-,"

"Steve." You warned. Steve sent you a look. Tony growled in annoyance.

"Yes." Steve Finally said.

Tony growled and pushed him, sending Cap backwards. This pissed Bucky off as he ran towards Stark.

Steve growled and punched back.

Bucky ready to defend him as well.

You grunted and shot a web at Tony's suit.

Making him trip and get caught in the web.

Tony gave you a look of betrayal. You sighed and did a flip and pointed your hands at him. Your web repulsers aimed directly at his Arc Reactor.

The look in his eyes said it all.

Aiming your webs at him.

"Stay down." Bucky growled. Tony panted for air.

You webbed his hands to the ground. But he broke free instantly

He aimed a repulser at Bucky and fired. Bucky went backwards.

Steve ran forwards and punched him. Tony was soon pinned to the ground.

Steve brought the Shield over his own head.

He then lowered the Shield harshly.

It made contact with Tony's Arc Reactor.

Your eyes widen. Tony looked at Steve in horror.

Tony stayed down as Bucky and Steve helped each other.

You stood up and make your way towards Tony.

"Tony." You said. His eyes refuse to meet yours.

"I'm so sorry." You said.

You followed Bucky and Steve out of the place.

You glance back at Tony once last time.

Was this the right choice?

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