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#40: "Will You Marry Me?"

Requested by queenbee4bebe

Warnings: Cursing

Sorry it took so long. But I hope you enjoy!


Tony was fiddling with the box in his hands. He nervously casted a glance at Steve.

He walked towards the Soldier and took a deep breath.

"Hey, Steve. Can I ask you something?" Tony asked and Steve nodded happily. They made their way to a more secluded area.

Aka Tony's Room.

"Well, I just wanna say that Your the best friend any person can have. And you know we're-,"

"Spill it Stark." Steve interrupted and Tony rolled his eyes. Steve chuckled as the Playboy scoffed.

"Well, I was wondering. If you would give me your blessing to marry Y/N." Tony said and looked up at the taller man.

"But, I'm not her brother." Steve said raising a brow.

"Yeah, but she always says how you're like a brother to her." Tony explained and Steve's face brightens.

"Really?" He asked excitedly. Tony nodded and got back to the point of the conversation.

"Anyway. Will you?" Tony asked. Steve nodded and hugged his friend. Bucky in the corner taking a photo for blackmail.

"Thanks." Tony said and separated from him. He calmly made his way to the living room. You were there, sitting on the couch.

"FOR FUCKS SAKES!" Clint yelled and threw popcorn at the TV. Tony noticed you were crying next to Bucky.

Bucky as well holding tears back. Nat looking tough, but in the inside, internally screaming. Steve and Tony exchanged a look.

"What are you guys watching?" Tony asked and looked at the TV.

"Rewind it, Clint." You said through more tears. Clint shook his head and cried.

"They're watching Infinity War." Steve said and Tony furrowed his brows together.


"I CANT BELIEVE THIS SHIT!" Clint yelled again. You and him hugging each other.

"Why did Sebastian's last words to Chris, have to fucking 'Chris?'!" Nat yelled at the TV.


"I don't wanna go, Mr Downey. Please." Nat mocked,  smirking. Everyone glared at her.

"Ok That's enough of TV for a day." Tony said and quickly shut off the Television. He looked back at you and smiled.

"Hey Ba-,"

"NO! Don't talk to me right now." You growled, you were pissed and frustrated.

"Why?" Tony asked hiding the box behind his back. You gave him a dirty look.

"I'm feeling things Tony! FEELING THINGS!" You motioned to your heart and Sam sobbed harder from under the blankets.

"I understand Babe, Bu-,"


Nat and Clint exchanged a look. Bucky and Steve sighed and shook their heads. Sam continued to cry underneath his blanket.

Tony's bottom lip quivered. He was always so sensitive around you. You gulped and you try to walk towards him.

He threw the box to the ground and walked towards his room. You heard the door slam shut.

"Shit." You mumbled. Steve gave you a sigh. He handed you the box and you opened it.

Your eyes widen and you mentally face palmed. Oh fuck you messed up big time. You stuffed the ring into your pocket.

"Friday, Open the door." You said once you felt the knob lock in place.

"Yes, Ma'm." The door clicked and you opened it. You looked inside to see Tony under the covers.

His face buried beneath blankets, his back rising as he cried softly. You sighed and sat at the edge of his bed.

His crying stopped and he sniffled. You got into bed and hugged him. Tony calmed into your embrace. He buried his head into your stomach.

You felt your shirt get wet as his tears soaked it. You put your fingers through his hair. He looked up at you, you notice a bruise on the left side of his face.

You bit your bottom lip as he stared at you through red and puffy eyes. You kissed his forehead and he sat up.

"I'm sorry, Tony." You said and looked at him. He sniffled in response. You sighed and You sat up next to him.

"Look. I really am. I should've never said that. I was just...frustrated." You said and Tony nodded.

You sent him a smile.

"You can propose to me now, if you want?" You said and Tony grinned like a child. He swiftly got down onto one knee.

You handed the ring to him. He wiped his eyes and looked up at you.

"Y/N, Will you Marry Me?" Tony asked and he smiled widely.

"Y-NO, STOP IT," You yelled and Tony's eyes began to water again. You looked at him and shook your head.

"No Tony not you. Clint's trying to sneak in." You said motioning to the door behind him.

He nodded and you smiled.

"Yes." You said and Tony tackled you into a hug. You kissed him and he smiled.

Now, He can be Happy

"I HAVE BLACKMAIL!" Bucky yelled running in the halls. Tony and you look at each other.

But It doesn't last for very long.

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