The Stucky Wedding/Requested

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Requested by nobitadorae

Warnings: Cursing, Slight Smut


Steve woke this morning feeling happy as ever. He was gong to marry Bucky today. Your brother raced into your hotel room.

He opened the door and you jolted at the sudden surprise.

In only boxers, he was jumping up and down excitedly.

"I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY! WOO!" He yelled excitedly. You smiled at your brother as you laid in bed.

"Morning, Steve." You said wanting him to leave.

"IM GETTING MARRIED! TODAY!" He said and raced out the door. He shut it and you sighed in relief.

"You think he knew I was here?" Tony asked, coming up from beneath the sheets. You and him exchanged a look.

"Holy shit." You mumbled as he pulled the covers closer to his chest.


You were bored as hell at the party. Steve was talking to Coulson, who was the ring-bear. You loved your brother, but this party was pretty boring.

As long as he was happy though. He smiled at you excitedly as Bucky took his hand in his.

"You bored?" A familiar voice asked. You chuckled and turned towards the bar again. Tony was grinning at you.

"Yup." You reply taking a sip from your drink. Tony nodded and sat next to you.

Tony seemed to be bored as well.

"Shots?" He asked as the bartender brought four forward. You smirked and nodded. You both took two shots and the bartender kept them coming.

You guys laughed and Tony scooted closer to you as you both took shots.

Soon enough you both were completely wasted.  You guys slurred every word and laughed for no reason at all.

Ok, you were drunk. You needed stuff to get interesting. You look around observing the crowd.

In doing so, you almost fell of your seat, but Tony grabbed your arm. You smiled at him graciously. You both stare at each other for a couple minutes.

He cleared his throat and helped you up.

"Uhm, you ok?" He stuttered a bit as you nodded. Tony's tongue darted from between his lips nervously. Your eyes trailed up to his lips. Tony tugged on your arm and motioned to the elevator.

You nodded and you both hurriedly ran towards the elevator. He slammed his floor button.

Once the doors shut, his lips were on yours. His hands trailed down to your torso. He propped you up against the wall, your legs wrapped around his waist.

He moaned as your hips moved against his. His lips moving down your jaw causing you to groan in pleasure.

The elevator finally dinged and he carried you into his room. He shut the door behind him and told Jarvis to lock the doors.

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