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Requested by GradeARecycableTrash

#21: "thanks for nothing"
#41: "I fucked up"
#143: "Just how stupid do you think I am?!"

Warnings: angst, cursing


"YOU'RE AN ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE ANTHONY!" You screeched at your boyfriend of two years. Your hands were tightly clutched into fists, you were beyond infuriated.

"Y/n, I CAN EXPLAIN," Tony rambled, But was met with your pissed off expression. He could tell he messed up big time now. He growled in anger and sighed.

"Y/N please, I didn't me-,"  Tony was cut short, as you let out an angry scoff. You glared at him with full on hate.

"Just how stupid do you think I am?!?" You asked more pissed off than before. Tony bit his lower lip to keep from speaking any further. His gaze dropped to his shoes.

The tension was thickening by the second, and the silence just made it even more unbearable.

"I fucked up....." Tony mumbled softly and you let out a harsh laughed. You were not giving him the satisfaction of seeing you cry. Not after he brought another woman to bed.

You ignored him and started packing all your shit. You were leaving, and moving into another room. You weren't gonna just leave the tower because of him. Because of his stupid ass mistake. You grabbed your items and left the room.

Tony realized you were leaving and speed walked after you.

"Y/N Please!" He whined, as you both walked into the main room. Steve looked up and noticed the both of you arguing. Sam and Bucky seemed to take notice and watched the fight erupt.

"No TONY, I've had enough of your fucking excuses! THIS IS THE ONE THING YOU CANT LIE OUT OF!" You yelled at him angrily. Tony growled in anger, but kept his cool. He shouldn't be the angry one here, he reassured himself.

"What's going on?" Wade asked walking in. You and Tony both turn to look at the merc.

"NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WADE!" You both scream. Tony turns his attention back to you, his expression gloomy.

"Y/N..." He muttered quietly and tried to grab your hand. You pulled away from him and shook your head. He felt a pang of pain in his chest and his arm dropped back to his side. He really did mess up this time.

"Thanks for nothing, Anthony," You growled and went into the elevator to go to the next floor. Tony stared at you until the elevator doors closed.

Tony growled in anger and kicked the wall, creating a large whole in it. "FUCK!" He yelled and smacked the side of his head.

"Great job Tony, you ruined another perfectly good relationship," He mumbled to himself sadly. He could never get you back over this.

"What the hell just happened?" Sam asked concerned. The billionaire turned at the other male, his eyes glazed over, his expression filled with pain.

"I fucked up..." He gritted. He went back into his room and slammed the door shut. Tony looked at his now emptier room. He let tears come down his cheeks as he kicked the side of his wall. He then grabbed a vase from the shelf next to him. He threw it across the room and it shattered into pieces. He kicked his nightstand and it fell onto its side. All his clothes now scattered on the ground. His room was a mess.

He punched the wall, his knuckles feeling an increased amount of pain, but he ignored it and punched the wall again. Tony turned around and looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes red, puffy from the tears steaming down his cheeks. His fist clenched tightly and dripping with blood.

He let tears silently stream down his cheeks and sat down on his bedside. He looked at the room around him as he grabbed a discarded shirt to wrap around his bloody hand. One thing caught his attention and he felt a sob erupt from his throat.

Tony knelt down and pushed his clothes to the side. He gripped the photo tightly as he timidly looked at it. He let out a shaky breath and gazed at the photo of you two smiling together. You were kissing his cheek as he took the selfie, which made his cheeks turn red, causing him to grin so wide.

Tony let out a choked sob and cried all alone in his room. His hand still clutched around that photo.

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