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Requested by TheIronWOMAN

#154: "There's only one bed?"
#109: "Why are you naked?!"
#79: "Stop hogging the blankets!"

Warnings: Cursing

Anyone else hear about the rumors on the Avengers 4 trailer coming out on Friday?!


The Avengers thought it would be a great idea to go camping. Nick didn't even question it and let you guys go.

The Avengers grinned as they gathered into the car. Clint and Nat sat in the very back, listening to music and playing games. Bucky and Steve were in the middle row, Steve rested his head against Bucky's shoulder as he read his book.

You and Tony were in the front seat. He had his sunglasses on as he drove. Sam, Scott, Peter, Wade, Thor, and Loki all went into separate cars.

Tony was driving to the campsite, which he had reserved a large cabin for everyone. He hadn't told anyone yet but there was one room with one bed. He suspected that maybe Steve and Bucky would want it.

But he found out later that the Super soldiers were both too big for one bed. He smirked at the thought of going to compete for it.

He was halfway there, Steve was slowly falling asleep on Bucky's arm. Clint and Natasha bickered as they claimed themselves the winner of their board game. You were just chilling in the passenger seat.

You were eating a sandwich that you had brought along with you.

"Are we there yet?" Clint asked once Natasha won the game. Tony rolled his eyes and ignored the archer.

"Are we there yet?" Clint asked again causing Tony to clench his jaw in annoyance.

"Are we the—,"

"Yes Barton! I AM HERE JUST LET ME PARK ON THE SIDE OF THE FUCKING ROAD!" Tony yelled and Clint frowned at him.

"Ok, calm down Jackass." Clint retorted and laid down in his seat. Natasha forced his feet off of her lap and listened to her music.

Several Minutes Later

Tony parked the car and everyone got out. Sam was waiting by his car, you could see Wade in the car making dramatic hand gestures.

"Finally, What took you so long?" Sam asked as he looked at your group.

Tony sighed and pointed to Barton, "Well Barton kept making us stop every two minutes so he could Piss,"

Clint gave him an offended look. Natasha nodded in agreement and people finally got out of Sam's car.

"Excuse you! It was every 3 minutes," Clint corrected. Tony rolled his eyes and they all stepped inside. Peter and Wade began giggling like children. 

"Ok, one problem," Tony began and everyone looked at him, "There's one room with only one bed."

"There's only one Bed?!" Clint yelled dramatically. Tony nodded and everyone looked at Steve & Bucky.

"Nope, as much as I love this guy we both can't fit onto one of those small ass beds," Bucky said and Steve nodded in agreement.

"We flip for it?" Tony asked and Natasha immediately shook her head.

"No, you and Y/N are gonna get the room." Tony and you look at her in anger.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?!" You asked and Natasha nodded.

"Yeah, you are gonna get the room, Right Stark?" Natasha asked, a smirk playing on her lips.

Tony glared at her, finally realizing what she was implying. It was blackmail at its finest. He mumbled a few curses to himself.

"You Bitch," He said and glanced at you.

"Ughh, Fine." You said and grabbed your bags and headed to the room. Tony trudged along behind you. You both finally got to the room and glared at the bed.

"I'm gonna take a shower," You said and headed towards the bathroom. Tony nodded and began to get into his sleep wear.

You came out of the shower 5 minutes later with your Pajamas on and you covered your eyes as you saw Tony.

"Why are you naked?!" You asked a bit pissed off. Tony sighed and looked at you.

"This is how I sleep,"

"Not if I'm sharing a bed with you, asshole," You say and he rolls his eyes.

"Does it matter?"


He nods and puts some briefs on. You thank him and slip into bed with him. Your backs pressed against each other and you both move around in bed.

Neither of you could get to sleep. Tony started pulling on the blankets and you shivered.

"Stop hogging the blankets!" You sneer and pull them back around you. He whines and pulls them back around him.

You both were doing this for hours. You finally gave up and started to shiver alone in bed.

"Tony I'm fucking cold, give me the blankets," You groan. Tony instead tiredly tosses an arm around you. He turns around to face you and pulls you closer against him.

You let out a shocked inhumane noise as he does so. You were going to retaliate, but he was so fucking warm. How can a man produce so much body heat?!

You decide to cuddle closer to him and rest your head against his chest. You fall asleep in his arms, Tony fell asleep with a smile on his face.

It didn't last long though. You woke up a couple hours later to the freezing cold. You were gonna whine about it when you noticed Tony moving around in bed.

This was your first time sleeping with Tony in a bed so you were quite confused. He seems to be having a nightmare. You snort, Tony Stark having a nightmare, that's funny.

You stopped when you realized that he also had anxiety and was now moving harshly around.

"Oh shit." You mumble quietly and sat up in bed. Tony started whimpering and cuddling back closer to you. His breathing growing heavier.

He put his head into your lap and you felt something wet drip onto your pajama pants. It took you a few seconds to realize it was Tony crying.

"Stop," He mumbled into his nightmare.

You still had no idea what to do. Instinctively, You ran your hands through his hair cautiously. Hoping not to wake or scare him. Tony then stopped moving a bit.

You kept running your fingers through his hair, which calmed him even more down. You couldn't help but smile at the man as he yawned like a child.

His frown went away and was replaced by a small smile. You kissed the side of his head softly and continued to play with his hair.

You didn't know what to do in this situation, but you think you handled it pretty well. Tony never came to anyone for these problems. That actually made you more sad, the fact that Tony never came to anyone about it. Steve has Bucky to help him through it. Sam often came to Scott, or they both hanged with the Super soldiers. Loki and Thor visited each other, Peter and Wade would have long talks in the dark to get their minds off of it. Natasha and Clint would try to lighten the mood by making jokes and making each other laugh. But, Tony. Tony had no one.

Well, now he has You.

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