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Requested by Piss_Off_Ghost11

#46: "Can I kiss you right now?
#47: "You're so cute when you're angry."

Warning: Cursing, Fluff?


"Ok guys, today we got the day off." Steve said and everyone cheered.

You were the only one who groaned in annoyance. Yes you loved the times when you got a day off from a mission or saving the world.

But this gave a specific person, time to act upon his mischievous pranks.

That person being Tony Stark.

He has been trying to prank you for a couple of weeks now, and he's never gotten the chance.

Until, Now.

You carefully walked into your room and looked around. You knew Tony would do something.

You sighed in relief and walked towards the bed. You plopped down onto it and groaned.

"Hello." Came the wicked voice. You growled and turned to see Tony, leaning against the doorway.

"Stark." You growled and he smirked.

"Ready for that prank." He teased and you narrowed your eyes at him. You growled and got up from your bed.

You stood up and faced him.

"I hate you." You snarled and he chuckled. He got close to you and rolled his eyes.

"No you don't." He said and his eyes flickered to your lips.

"Can I Kiss You Right Now?" He asked and bit his lower lip. You chuckled this time, and shook your head.

"You're gonna have to earn it Stark." You said and put your fingers through his fluffy hair. He giggled and made his way towards the halls.

He began planning the prank.


Tony rubbed his hands together and let out a deep breath.

His plan was simple, get you to come into the living room, pour water on you, Have one of his suits pin you to the ground, then pour more water on you.

"Y/N!" He called and awaited for your answer.

"Yeah!" You yelled. Tony smirked.

"Come here for a second!"

"Why?" He groaned at your response.


"Then No." Tony furrowed his brows together. He smirked.


"ILL BE THERE IN A MINUTE!" You yelled and Tony smiled. He heard Your hurried steps coming and he hid.

He hid behind the couch and prepared for you to come downstairs. He waited for the sound of splashing to be heard.

He didn't hear the sound of water splashing and he grew suspicious. He peeked his head out and saw nothing.

He groaned and stood up, only to be met with water in his face. Tony coughed and rubbed his eyes.

You stood there an empty bucket in hand, laughing.

"Ha!" You said and he glared at you. Tony was shivering as the cold water soaked into his clothes.

"I pranked you!" You yelled and chuckled. Tony growled and his fists curled.

"That's not fair!" He said and crossed his arms. He jutted his lower lip out.

"Clint, check it out!" You yelled and Tony sent you a look. Clint jumped out of a vent and landed next to you.

"I caught it on video." You said and sent him it. You sent it to all the Avengers.

"He screams like a girl." Clint said and laughed. You and him high-fived. Tony stood angrily and glared at Clint.

"This video is going on YouTube." He said and posted it. Tony's eyes widen and he chased Clint around the tower.

Everyone ran downstairs as soon as they got the video.

"Already has a million views!" Nat said and rewatched the video. Tony sat, with his arms crossed.

You chuckled and sat with Bucky who was trying to suppress a chuckle. Steve sighed at the stupid behavior.

Sam and Bucky kept replaying the video, Clint and Nat kept smirking at Tony. Tony was crossing his arms and looked like a five year old, put in time out.

"Aww, it's ok Tony." You said and patted his fluffy hair. He rolled his eyes.

"You're cute when you're angry." You said and smiled at him. Tony's eyes widen and he turned to you.

"Really?" He asked and a grin rises onto his lips. You nodded and he attached his lips onto yours.

You chuckled and kissed back. Tony separated and smirked at you.

"At least I got my kiss."

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