Hot Mess/Requested

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Requested by Piss_Off_Ghost11

#192: Workout

Warnings: Cursing

Enjoy to everyone that requested! Published five today! Sorry for the late requests!


You woke up to an empty bed. Not usually the best thing to wake up to.

You groaned and got out of bed. You got dressed and walked towards the lab. That's where Tony usually was.

You saw him in the lab tinkering with his suit. He was wearing a tank top and sweats. You smiled and yawned.

You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around him. He tensed then calmed into your embrace.

"Good morning babe." He said and turned to kiss your forehead. You chuckled and leaned against his chest.

"Let's get breakfast." You said and he nodded. You and him walked towards the dining room, where Clint and Bucky were setting up plates.

Sam was making bacon and eggs, while Steve made pancakes. Nat was seated on the couch, watching her show.

Oh yeah, all the men were shirtless. You were taken by surprise at the sudden count of abs everywhere.

Tony had his tank on still, unlike the other men. He always slept with one, sometimes shirtless if he wants to.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." Bucky commented as Sam chuckled. You rolled your eyes in annoyance.

Tony sent the men pointed looks and glanced at you.

Tony knew for one, that he wasn't the fittest of the Avengers. He was fit, but he wasn't fit like Captain America or Bucky Barnes.

He was surprised that Clint had began getting a build up. He didn't like the feeling of being not as fit as them.

He moves towards you and sat next to you on the couch. Natasha was intensely staring at the screen.

"You need to stop with these shows." You said and swiped the remote. Natasha rolled her eyes.

"No!" She said and you chucked. You felt a protective arm slide next to you. Tony was looking and watching the men.

You looked back at Tony, who was looking insecure. You patted his cheek and leaned onto is shoulder. He smiled and glanced at you, happily.


After breakfast you headed back to your room. Tony was behind you, he had something to ask you.

"Y/N." He said and you sat on the edge of your bed.

"Yeah?" You asked and Tony smiled.

"Did you feel uncomfortable with the men's shirtless at breakfast?" Tony asked and fiddled with his thumps.

You raised a brow and shook your head.

"No...." You replied and Tony nodded. He sent you a smile and sat next to you.

"So, it didn't bother you at all?" He asked again and you shook your head once more.

"Did it bother you?" You asked Tony. Tony shook his head, lying.

The truth was, it did bother him. He didn't like it that the men had the rock hard abs and bulging biceps.

It made him feel a bit weak and pathetic. He was probably the most 'unfit' of the group, Well that's What he thought.

He was determined to try. Even if it would take him months. He was going to try and be as muscly as those guys.

Everyday at 3 in the morning, Tony would sneak down into the training room and start working out.

He worked out for about 3 hours each day. You notice his eating habits had changed as well. But you thought nothing of it.

Tony usually changed the food he ate every week.

This went on for about two months. Tony sneaking down  and working his ass off for three hours. After those three hours he'd take a shower and hide any evidence that showed he been working out.

On the third month, Tony decided to show you what he had packing. He had been working non stop, and he was ready to surprise you.

He pushed the date a little farther, and soon he was revealing himself to you on Christmas.

It was Christmas morning and you woke up earlier than usual. You groaned when you saw Tony's empty spot in bed.

A note was left on his nightstand.

Sorry, won't be able to make it for Christmas morning! Had a meeting and had to run to work! Hope you like your gifts!

-Tony Stark

You frowned and sighed. You walked into the living room, waiting your gifts. The men once again shirtless walked into the room.

Clint smirked and winked at you.

"Where's Tony?" He asked.

"Meeting." You grumbled and Sam frowned.

"You sure? Maybe he's just jealous of these." Clint said and flexed his bicep muscles. You chuckled and rolled your eyes.

"Tony has muscles." You said and half the room laughed. Steve and Bucky watched as Sam and Clint tried to suppress giggles.

Nat already opening her presents. Clint moved closer to you and placed an arm around your waist.

You sent him a playful glare and continued to open for presents.


Presents had been opened. You got
Captain America socks and a hat from Steve. Bucky bought you a beautiful necklace. Nat bought you shoes and Clint got you a Hawkeye T-Shirt.

Sam gave you a dart gun. You couldn't find Tony's gift so you looked under the tree. A giant present was placed against the wall.

You tried to move it, but it was heavy. You struggles to push it towards the center of the living room.

Everyone looked at the name tag.

To: the most beautiful woman ever.

From: You know who I am

You rolled your eyes and teared the present open. The box was taped shut, so you got scissors.

You cut the tape and before you could open it, Tony popped out of the box. Your eyes widen with excitement.

Then your eyes trailed down his body.

"Holy shit Tony!" Sam yelled and Tony flexed his arms. Tony had gotten fit in three months. His biceps had gotten bigger and his abs were more visible.

He also had a bright red bow on his d-

That son of a bitch.

"Woah." You said and Tony walked out of the box. He smirked at you.

"Merry Christmas!" He said and hugged you tightly. You raised a brow at him.

"When did you get more fit?" You asked and smiled at him. Tony sighed and sent you a small smile.

"Well, I saw how you look at Steve and Bucky and they are really fit, so you know." Tony said and you frowned.

"Tony you don't have to change yourself. I love you how you are." You said and Tony nodded.

He grinned at you and chuckled.

"Thanks Y/N."

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