Not Again

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Part two of Toddlers

If there are spelling errors. I'll check them later. Unless they funny as fuck, then nah.


"PETER YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SLAP WADE!" You said laughing. Wade rubs his red cheek, pouting. Peter smirks and just laughs.

You all walk into the tower, laughing like idiots. You immediately stop though, when you see a small baby on the couch.

"No, this is not happening again!" You say and pick up the baby boy.

"Sadly it is," The baby said and you almost dropped him. Peter screeched loudly and jumped into Wade's arms. You put the baby back on the ground

"Bruce?!" The baby nodded and brushed the dust off of its pants. Bruce put on his glasses.

Peter raised a brow and got out of Wade's arms.

"Who did it this time?" You asked irritated by the whole situation. The baby looked up at you and sighed.

"Guess," He said and pointed to the couch where another baby was sitting on the couch. They had brown hair which was lathered in gel, along with facial hair drawn on with sharpie.

"Oh for fucks sake Tony," You groan as he smirks. You grabbed the toddler and Tony merely grinned.

"This has gotta be the worst day of my life," You commented as Tony stares at your chest. You roll your eyes and look down at the annoying, yet adorable baby. You grab wipes and wiped the drawn on facial hair off of him.

"NOOO!" The baby screeches and you chuckled. The baby bursts into tears and you sigh.

"Really?" You ask as Baby Tony continues to cry.

"Y/N!" Another small boy yells. You look to see a baby Steve running over to you, dragging a baby Bucky. Steve's big blue eyes looked up at you as he tugged onto your pants.

Baby Tony stops crying and peers over your arm.

"STEVE!" He shrieks and tries to jump out of your arms. You put the baby billionaire down slowly. Baby Tony fucking jumps and hugs Steve. Baby Steve laughs and hugs him back. Bucky looks into the camera like he's on the office.

"Ok, so how did this happen?" You asked as Peter stared at baby Bruce. Wade had grabbed popcorn out of nowhere.

"Well a certain dumbass-,"

"You can say Tony, it's ok," A baby Sam reassured, walking out. Tony flipped him off and Sam stuck his tongue out at him. You sigh and glance at Peter who's shrugging.

"Technically this time we don't have to treat them like babies. Although they seem to have baby tendencies," Peter pointed out and you nodded.

"Nah, Y/N! *snaps fingers* Breast Feed Me!" Tony demanded. Steve gives him a disgusted look. Tony simply smirks and you glare at him.

"Y/N!" A dirty blond yells and hugs your legs tightly. A red haired kid runs after him, holding a gun. The baby boy looks up, his baby blue eyes filled with fear. "NAT'S TRYING TO HURT ME!"

"HE TOOK THE REST OF MY GUMMY BEARS!" Nat yelled back still holding the gun. Baby Clint pouted and held his hands up for you to take. You chuckle and pick him up.

"Yay!" He cheers and hugs you.

"Can I just keep Clint like this?" You ask as he kisses your cheek. Tony pouts and crosses his arms as Steve wraps himself around your leg. Bucky on the other.

"Wow," Peter comments as they all just fucking wrap themselves around you. You sigh in annoyance and glare at all of them.

"Now is not the time," You inquire. All the babies back away, but Clint still has his arms wrapped around you. You laugh and carried him into the kitchen.

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