Request 1 for Fluff

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Warnings: Cursing, Fluff


"Y/N!" Tony shouted and ran over to you. The billionaire grabbed your hand and dragged you with him into his bedroom. He smiled widely and shut the door behind him.

"What Tony?" You asked chuckling. The billionaire pecked your lips and hugged you tightly. You chuckle and hug him back.

"I have to keep you occupied while the Avengers get our date ready," He murmurs and continues to hug you. You laugh and kiss his cheek.

"You're adorable." You comment and the male beams. His chocolate brown eyes gazed into yours lovingly as his goofy smile was plastered onto his face.

"Alright we good!" Clint yelled and Tony smirked. He pulled onto your arm, and led you towards the living room. All the Avengers were gone, for now.


You smiled widely and looked around in awe. The couch was crowded with food and drinks. Blankets, pillows, more amazing things were neatly placed onto the side.

"What do you think?" Tony asked looking at you. His hands were behind his back as he leaned onto one foot anxiously.

"It's beautiful," You breathed, and the billionaire grinned. He grabbed your hand excitedly and sat down onto the couch with you.

Tony snapped his fingers and Bucky walked out in a tuxedo. His hair now shorter. Steve must've convinced him to cut it. Or Sam won another bet.

"Yes my good sir?"

"Damn Bu-,"

"aHEM," Tony interrupted and Bucky smirked. He poured two glasses of (favorite drink) and handed them two you both. He leaned close to your ear,

"Having fun, Ma'm?" He purred, smirking. Tony grabbed the glass and drank it quickly. Bucky poured him some more and winked at you while leaving. You chuckled as Tony rolled his eyes.

"Alright, you hungry?" Tony asked. You were about to retort with a comment about Bucky, but Tony knew. "If you mention Bucky, I swear."

"I wasn't aware I was on the menu?"

"YOU AREN'T!" Tony jokingly shouted and Bucky laughed. "Alright, anyway, food!"

"I don't wanna come out," Steve shyly mumbled. His head peeking out of the doorway.

"Wuss," Clint scoffed and walked out confidently. He had a bow tie around his neck, along with purple boxers. That's it. You choked on your drink, and Steve walked out, his face red. He was wearing the same as Clint, with blue boxers.

"Oh my God!"

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tony shrieked looking at them. Clint pointed to Wade who was grinning wickedly.

"I'm completely naked, so I-,"

Tony cut off Wade by sighing loudly in disappointment. Steve's face was even more red as he fumbled to get the food. Clint followed his lead and pulled out sandwiches.

"Two sandwiches with Wade's mea-,"

"ENJOY!" Steve said and thrusted the sandwiches towards you two. You and Tony grabbed them. You laughed at the two men as Tony bit into his sandwich. Clint did a dramatic bow and Steve dragged him out.

"Entertainment?" Tony asked wearily. Bruce walked out with Natasha. She stuck the movie into the DVD player and Bruce turned on the tv.

"Oooo sCieNcE!" Bruce mocked, turning red at his own joke. You laughed as Natasha snorted. Before the movie played, Peter walked out in a top hat.

"A little magic show before you watch the movie," He said nervously. He took off his hat and waved his wand over it. You and Tony smiled as the teen pulled out Bucky's arm. Peter looked confused for a few seconds.


"Why not?"

Peter laughed nervously and handed the arm back to Bucky. He looked back at his audience in a newfound glee. Peter gulped nervously and took out playing cards. Apparently, he knew his shit.

Peter shuffled the cards like a god. You and Tony stared at the teen in awe. Peter then asked you to pick a card. You took one and showed Tony. Peter grabbed the card, without looking and put it back into the desk. He shuffled it again, and handed it to Tony to shuffle it.

"Alright are you guys re-,"

Suddenly Peter started to cough. Tony gave the teen a worried look, until a card flicked out of Peter's hand.

Your card.

"HOW THE FUCK?!" Sam yelled from his spot. Peter smiled proudly and held up your card. You and Tony clapped and whistled. Peter left, his head held high. Sam then walked towards you, a nice tux on. He cleared his throat.

"Enjoy the show mother fu-,"

Tony's phone rang and he answered it. He groaned as he talked through the phone and put it away. He looked at everyone who was now staring at him.

"Guess who's got a mission?" Tony said, giving all of you a pissed off look. The Avengers all groaned as Wade screeched.


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