Request 3 for Smut

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Warnings: Cursing, Smut


Tony's teeth tugged onto your bottom lip softly, as he made a low growling sound. You smack his face lightly and he lets go, chuckling. He pecks your forehead and makes a face.


"Nothing," He adds grinning like an idiot. Tony's head whips around, to make sure no one's near. He leans forward, your hands slid up his firm chest. Tony's lips gently drag across yours. He closes the gap between you as your arms are now loosely around his neck.

"Y/N!" Steve yells from the other room. You separate from Tony who pouts. He backs up against the wall as Steve finally notices them. "Hey Y/N, oh hi Tony."

Tony nods bluntly and waits for Steve to continue.

"Can I be alone with Y/N?"

Tony gives Steve a confused look, his eyes dart to you. You nod softly and he sighs.

"Yeah..sure, whatever," He mumbled and leaves. Steve smiled at you again as Tony then the corner. He slams the door to his office shut and Steve frowns.

"What's up with him?"

"Oh you know, Tony being Tony," You lie, but the soldier nods.

"Anyway, I've actually wanted to help you and Peter out, since you both are the youngest on the team. So, I was wondering if I could assign you both little patrols with an Avenger,"

You bite your tongue and nod. Steve smiles and writes down your name, along with Peter's, on the file in his hand.

"Alright great! Which Avenger do you think you'd prefer to be with? I assume Peter wants Tony so-,"

"Peter actually is also big fan of Black Widow, besides Tony has been training him for the majority of the time." Steve has a thoughtful look and nods in agreement. He writes down the information and puts a hand onto your shoulder.

"Thanks Y/N, you're like the kid I never had." And with that, the blond walks away. You couldn't help but grin as you walked towards Tony's office.

The billionaire was seated in his chair, feet propped up onto his desk. You closed the door behind you and smiled at him.

"What did sTEvE want?"

"He signed Peter and I up for patrols," You answer nonchalantly. Tony's head shot up and he stood up. "I'm with you."

"Ugh, great. Now we can have stakeouts and other boring ass shit," Tony groans and falls back into his seat dramatically.

"You're cute,"

Tony looks up at you from his weird posture on the chair. "Really?"

You laugh as he smiles proudly. He falls out of his seat and you laugh harder.

Time Skip brought to you by Sam and Bucky going on Patrols together

Peter was more than excited. He was extra happy to be paired with Natasha. He finally got to patrol with the badass Black Widow. He tried his best to keep his cool, and Nat chuckled at him.

"Do we need our suits?"

Steve shook his head and you groaned in annoyance. Tony patted your shoulder affectionately.

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