Team Iron Man

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No hate to Steve at all. Or Bucky. They are my boys. But it makes the fic interesting. I'll post some Bucky and Steve love, soon

You stared at Tony and Steve. They glared at each other.

"Y/N Who's side are you on?" Steve said and looked at you. Tony gave you a look.

Silence fell over.

"Big Man in suit and armor. Take that away and what are you." Steve asked. Tony looked up at him.

"Genius, Billionaire,-,"

"I know men twice as better than you without it." Steve said referring to Bucky.

Tony looked down.

"I'm on Tony's Team." You spat. Steve gave you a look.

Tony looked up and sent you a smile. You rolled your eyes.

"But Y/N Bucky-,"

"We need to be kept in check." You interrupted.

Steve gulped and gave you a nod.

"I respect your decision."


You gave Tony a glance. He was in the IronMan suit.

You were in one too. Tony made one for you just in case something were to happen to you.

"Now what?" You asked.

"We fight." Tony said. Bucky and Steve charged forwards. Tony and you flew forwards.

You aimed your repulsers at them.

Steve threw his shield at you. You quickly dodged and threw it back.

"That's my girl." Tony said. You chuckled and blasted Bucky. Bucky flipped and ran towards Peter.

"If you hurt him Barnes. You're a dead man!" You yelled.

Bucky went for a punch. But was met with Spider-Man's palm.

Your eyes widen.

"Good job. Peter my boy!" You yelled. Peter smiled under his mask. He webbed Bucky to the ground.

He then webbed Falcon. Sam growled.

Tony aimed his repulsers at Steve. He blasted them as Steve dodged. Clint shot an arrow at you.

It caught on your suit and made it shut down.

Your suit malfunctioned, making it drop down quickly.

"Shit." You cursed. Tony looked at you frantically. You started to crash downwards.

You growled and tried to escape from the suit as it went tumbling to the ground.

Tony flew fast down towards you.

"Jarvis I need to go faster." Tony spat.

You then felt arms wrap around you.

Tony caught you in his arms.

"Thank god." You said. Tony's breathing calmed as held you tightly.

"You're a dead man Clint." Tony growled. Clint aimed his bow at Tony.

"Come at me old man." Clint snarled.

Tony and Clint ran at each other.

You successfully took the suit off.

Leaving you in your own armor.

You saw Steve charging and tried to fight him off.

"Y/N I don't want to hurt you." Steve said.

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