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Requested by MoonbeamOrbitAngel

#149: "Since when, have we ever been friends?!"

Warnings: Cursing


Tony was a stuck up little shit. That's what you thought of him at first. When you started to work at the facility with your brother Peter.

He was always so sarcastic and ugh. It kind of pissed you off.

You were really mad when he took your brothers suit away. You understood Stark was worried, but he needed to lay off.

Peter could take care of himself. At times.

"You aren't his father, Mr. Stark." You growled as Peter stood behind you. Tony rolled his eyes.

"Look, Peter tried his best. You can't blame him for trying." You tried to explain. Tony ignored you and held his hand out for the suit.

"I'm not wearing anything under this." Peter said and Tony sighed.

He handed Peter some clothes to change into. Peter hung his head and looked up at Tony.

"Get changed." Tony growled and Peter sighed. You walked with Peter and let him change somewhere more private.

You glared at Tony and he calmed himself down. He sent you a pitiful look.

"Look Y/N, I'm doing what I have to. Come on we're still Friends right?" He asked nervously.

"Since when, have we ever been friends?" You asked and walked away.

You waited outside until Peter walked out with a shirt and pajama pants. You refrained yourself from laughing.

He avoided your gaze and walked to May's house.


You and him finally got home. Peter was utterly embarrassed and a bit frightened.

"Where have you guys been?" Aunt May asked sternly. You saw Peter's eyes water and you felt bad for him.

Aunt Mays gaze soften and he sniffled.

"I lost the Stark internship." He said through tears. You clenched your jaw and May hugged Peter.

You grabbed your backpack and went to leave the apartment.

"Y/N where are you going?" May asked and you didn't say anything. Instead you shut the door behind you and bolted for the rooftops.

You put your suit on and swung over to the tower. You snuck into the tower. You climbed on the ceiling to Tony's office.

He saw you and his eyes widen.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked and you slipped your mask off. You glared at him.

"Happy? You made my brother cry." You said and Tony stared at you.

"I understand where you're coming from, Stark. But he's a kid, and your his hero. He looks up to you." You said and Tony nodded.

He sighed and looked at you.

"I just want him to be a better hero than I was." Tony groaned and you put a reassuring hand onto his shoulder.

Tony was an inch taller than you so it wasn't hard. Tony smiled softly at you.

"Thanks Y/N, tell Parker that I'll give him the suit back." Tony said and you nodded.

He hugged you suddenly, which took you by surprise. You hugged back and you blushed. Once Tony separated from you, his lips inches from yours.

You gulped as Tony's eyes flickered to your lips. He pressed his gently against yours.

The kiss was slow and soft. You felt sparks through the kiss and you trailed your hands to his hair.

He separated from you and you smiled.

"That's New."

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