You're WHAT!?/Requested

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Requested by salvatorescoven

#41: "I'm pregnant."
For Tony Stark

Thank you for requesting!


You and Steve stared at each other, in your right hand was a pregnancy test. Bucky's jaw was practically on the damn ground.

"It's positive." You said, your voice filled with concern. You always wanted to have children. I mean, imagine all the little kids running around.

But, Tony was another matter. He never talked about children. You neither knew if he wanted children or if he didn't. It's hard to tell with Tony.

Steve put a comforting hand on your shoulder. He sent you a small smile.

"We're here for you Y/N." He said. Bucky nodded and grinned. You smiled up at them and let out a shaky breath.

"Thanks guys." You said and hugged them. Bucky planted a kiss on your forehead. Steve squeezed your shoulder reassuringly.

You walked out of the bathroom and headed into the lab. Tony was tinkering with his suits. He looked up at you, his dark brown eyes sparkled.

"Hey baby." He said and pecked your lips. You chuckle nervously. He goes back to tinkering. He noticed you were still there and he sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked and crossed his arms. You bit your bottom lip nervously and gazed at him.

"Tony." You began, Bucky and Steve were hiding behind the door, listening to every word.

"If he doesn't want the kid I'll kill him." Bucky growled in anger. Steve nodded and pressed his ear against the door.

"Let's hope he wants it." Steve said and then shushed Bucky when you spoke.

"There's something I need to tell you." You said. Tony's face went pale, he started to get worried.

"Are you ok? Are you going to die?" He asked and walked closer to you. His brown eyes filled with concern.

"No, I-,"

"Oh my god. This is all my fault. If I never let you go out and helped me as Iron Man. This would never have happened." Tony babbled. Bucky and Steve rolled their eyes.


"Shit! Shit! Fuck! Shit! Son of a Bitch!" Tony cursed and looked up at you.

"I'm fine Tony." You said before he could go talk again. Tony sighed in relief.

"Thank god." He said and wrapped his arms around you. He kissed your forehead and smiled.

"So what's up?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant." You said and waited for his reaction. Tony's face went from happy to worried in a second.

"What?!" He yelled. You stepped back in fear.

"Oh my god," He said, a grin rises onto his face.

You smile back at him.

"I'm gonna be dad!" He said, then he frowned. He lent against his table.

"I'm gonna be a dad." Tony gulped in fear and looked up at you.

"What if I'm a horrible father?!" He said and gave you a nervous look. His heart beat faster.

"Tony," you said and cupped his cheek. "You're going to be a great father." You said and kissed his forehead.

Tony grinned.

"So who's The Godfather?" Steve and Bucky said running in. Bucky tackled Steve to the ground.

"It's obviously me." Bucky said.

"Fat chance you killed his parents." Steve said.

"WEREN'T YOU THE ONE DEFENDING ME STEVE?!" Bucky yelled and gave him a confused look.

Steve scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Actually. I wanted Rhodey to be The Godfather." Tony said and gave you a pleading look.

"Sure." You said and shrugged. Bucky and Steve whined.

"But you Guys can be the grandparents." You said and Tony chuckled. Bucky and Steve huffed.

"Let's go tell Natasha, Clint, Thor, Loki, Bruce, and the rest of them that they're gonna have a new niece or nephew running around soon." You said and led Tony with you.

Bucky and Steve smiled widely and walked with you to tell the others.

"Can I be the Uncle?" Bucky complained. 

"You can be 12% of an Uncle." Tony said.

"12 PERCENT!" Bucky whined. You chuckled and looked at Bucky with a smirk.

"An argument can be made for 15."

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