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Requested by DanielleDallas123

Warnings: Cursing, Angst?



Tony's hand trembled as he brought it against the door. He didn't want to do this at all. He knocked on the door and waited.

The door opened revealing a worried Aunt May. She smiled slightly at Tony.

"Tony, Where's Peter?" She asked and Tony looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry, May." May's eyes widen and she shook her head.

"No." She said and tears came down her cheeks. Tony avoided May's gaze. He expected her to slap him across the face.

To curse at him for bringing her nephew into space. Tony knew it wasn't his fault, but he'd take the blame anytime.

Well, he was blaming himself right now.

Instead of Aunt May hurting him she fell into his arms. He was shocked but supported her, making sure she didn't fall.

"Not my Peter." She sobbed and Tony felt tears come down his cheeks. He held some back and helped May back up.

"May, is Y/N here?" He asked. May's eyes go wide, worried to lose another.

"No, last time I saw her, she was going to Stark Tower." She said and Tony nodded.

"Thank you. I'm so sorry May." He said and she nodded.

He left and ran for his car. The streets felt emptier than usual. Some cars drove around, but it wasn't as crowded as it used to be.

It was quiet, except for the yells of people trying to find loved ones. Hoping they'd come back.

Tony gripped the steering wheel tightly. His heart pounding against his chest. He pulled into the lot and hurriedly ran into the tower.

The tower even felt empty. Happy and Pepper seemed to be gone. Then he heard a cough, he turns around to see Happy.

"Happy." Tony said. Happy smiled at him and Tony looked around. He didn't have the confidence to smile back.

"Where's Y/N?" Tony asked and Happy didn't answer. He didn't know.

Tony raced up the stairs towards your and his shared room. He looked around, it was empty.

Tony felt his pulse rise and his heart pumped faster. His bottom lip quivered and he tried to look around more.

"No, Y/N don't leave me." He said worriedly. He hoped you just jump out of no where and tell him it was all right.

He grew more terrified as he couldn't find you in any room. The lab was the last room he hadn't checked. He heard something clank and he grew excited.

"Y/N?" He asked and ran into the lab. His heart sank when he saw it was just a piece of his suit on the floor.

Tony gulped and looked around. Everything felt empty. His home. His bed. His heart.

He lost everyone. Realization hitting him like a truck. He sank to the floor and tried to control his breathing.

No more Peter Parker. No more you. No one.

He blamed himself. Maybe if he had just tried to keep Thanos of off him for a couple more minutes, you'd still be here.

Tony brought his hands to his face and he let the tears fall. He had been strong for too long. He hadn't cried when Peter dusted away.

He wouldn't.

He didn't cry when he had to tell Aunt May the truth about Peter.

He couldn't.

But now as he sat on the floor, alone, once again. He sobbed like a baby. Tears came down his cheeks and he let it all out.

"Please, Y/N." He cried and sniffled. Tears still running down his cheeks. His cries filled up the room.

"This is all my fault." He yelled. He was angry at himself for being a baby. He shouldn't be crying. He didn't have the right, or so he thought.

"Tony?" Tony looked up quickly, the voice music to his ears.

He looked around, then he saw it.

More like, you. He stood up quickly and stared at you. He wanted to believe you were real.

You took in his red puffy eyes, tears still running down his cheeks. His eyes watering as he glanced at you. His eyes filled with hope for a minute.

You noticed his hands trembling. His chin quivering as he took in shaky breaths.

"Y/n." He said and he raced over to you, engulfing you in a hug. You hugged back and the slightly taller man sobbed into your shoulder

"I thought I lost you. I lost Peter and everyone. I couldn't lose you." He sobbed harder and you hugged him tighter. You had just gone out to look for him. Happy notified you so you came back immediately.

You've never heard Tony sob this hard in your life. You tried to calm him and ran your hands through is hair. He seemed to calm down and he separated from your shoulder.

"I'm so glad your alive." He said breathlessly. You smiled at him and he felt his heart flutter.

He gave you a smile back and you pecked his lips.

That was his first smile since the events on Titan.

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