Just 2 finished drabbles

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Peter was walking around the facility on his own. He finally got to look through many doors and rooms he never noticed.

He was trying to look for Tony Stark's office.

He was looking for the the office when his eyes laid on you. He felt himself gawk at your beautifulness.

He worked up the courage to go talk to you. Peter felt his face burn up when you saw him. You smiled at him and walked towards him.

You were about an inch taller than him but it wasn't noticeable. Peter did some calculating in his head. You were probably almost as tall as Mr. Stark.

"Hi." He said shyly. You smiled and looked at him.

"Hello, Peter." You said. Peter's eyes widen.

"You know my name?" He asked, you nodded. You were going to explain when Happy interrupted.

"Peter, Tony wants you to be in his office." He said and Peter nodded. He gave you an apologetic look.

Peter walked into Mr. Stark's office. Tony was seated in his chair. He looked up at him and smiled.

"Hey, Peter. You mind if I show you around?" Tony asked. Peter nodded happily, excited that Tony was showing him around.

Tony nodded and got out of his seat. He showed Peter all the labs and rooms. Peter's eyes widen in new rooms he hadn't discovered before.

"You like it so far?" Tony asked and Peter nodded. Then he noticed you near them. Peter smiled widely.

"Mr. Stark, Who's She?" He asked pointing to you. Tony smiled down at the boy.

"That's Y/N." He said and Peter grinned.

"She's beautiful." Peter mumbled and Tony raised a brow at him.

"I don't know kid. I don't think she's interested." Tony said and Peter scoffed. His face turned red and he looked at Tony.

"Watch." He said before Tony could interrupt. Peter walked over to you.

"Hi, Y/N. Sorry about earlier." Peter said kindly. You smiled at Peter and nodded.

"It's ok Peter. Duty calls." Peter felt his heart flutter at your voice. He gulped and nervously fiddled with his fingers.

"Y/N, I was wondering. If you'd like to go out some time?" Peter asked.

"Peter, your a nice boy, but I can't." You said. Peter nodded understandingly and his expression dropped.

You glared at Tony, who was holding his hands up defensively.

"Im taken, by someone." You said and Peter looked back at you confidently.

"Who is he? I bet I could beat him. I'm spider-Man." He said his voice squeaking. You chuckled.

"He's right here." Tony said and intertwined his fingers with you. Peter's face went pale.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Mr. Stark, I didn't know." Peter rambled. You slapped Tony's chest playfully.

"But if love to hang out with you sometime Peter." Tony looked at you surprised. Peter grinned.

"Really?" He asked. You nodded and Peter jumped with glee.

"Yay. Thank you so much. I'll pick you up later." Peter said and he ran out fo the facility.

"Excuse me?!" Tony asked and you chuckled.

"Your fault. You were being rude to the kid." You said and Tony rolled his eyes. You separated form him to get ready.

"I don't want you kissing him! He's a menace!"


Second Drabble

You and your younger brother Peter looked around the tower. You were excited to finally come to see where he worked.

"This is so cool." You told your brother. Peter shrugged and walked towards Tony Stark's office.

You've never met him in person, you've only seen him on TV. Or when your our being a superhero.

Neither Tony nor Peter knew about it. While they were up in the air, you were speeding your way down low on the streets.

You had super speed. You were really fast. Like really really fast.

Anyway, Peter dragged you into Tony's office. Peter peeked his head in to see Tony tinkering with a suit.

"Hey, Mr. Stark!" Peter said happily. Tony looked up from his work to see Peter in his doorway.

Peter quickly shut the door behind you and turned back around.

"This is my Sister, Y/N!" Peter cheered and Tony glanced at you.

Meanwhile you were looking at Tony. He seemed a little stressed, but that made him look a bit hotter.

You leaned closer to Peter and whisper into his ear.

"He's hotter in real life." You said and Peter gave you a disgusted look. Tony seemed to notice and raised a brow.

"Oh it's nothing." You said and your eyes were still on him. Tony got up from his seat and walked over to you two.

"Younger or Older Sister?" Tony asked.

"Guess my age." You said chuckling. Tony rolled his eyes and leaned against his desk.

You bit your lower lip instinctively.

"8?" Tony asked and you glared at him. He chuckled and sighed.

"17?" You shook your head and Tony cocked his head to the side.

"18?" You shook your head again.

"Your getting warmer." You said and Tony licked his lips on thought. You felt yourself stare at him.


"We have a winner!" You cheered and nodded smirking. Tony looked from you and Peter.

"Why is she here?" Tony asked pointing to you. Peter shrugged.

"She wanted to see the facility I worked in." Peter commented and Tony nodded.

You walked around Tony in a half circle.

"Yes, and I am not disappointed." You mumbled and Tony raised a brow at you. You got closer to him and stared at him.

"Damn you are hotter in real life." You growled and Tony laughed. Peter stood uncomfortably in the back.

"Anyway. We should get going." You said and Peter nodded.

"Bye Mr. Stark." Peter said and walked out the door. You looked at Tony and smirked.

"Bye Mr. Stark." You taunted. Tony clenched his jaw. He walked over to you.

"See you later." You said and pulled his tie down to capture his lips with yours. Tony stared at you as you separated and smirked.

You ran out the door and found Peter in the hall. You turned to him and grinned

"Let's get out of here."

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