Break up with your Girlfriend/Requested

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Requested by sweetheartyler

Warnings: Cursing, smut


"You've been in the lab for a whole month!"

"I know I'll try to stop,"

"You say that! But you never do, Tony!" Pepper shrieks at her boyfriend. You pause outside of the lab, wondering if you should go in or not.

"I'm sorry, I've just been busy!"

"I understand that Tony! You have to save the world, but you need to have some time for yourself."

"What do you think I'm doing?!" Tony bellows a bit angrily. Pepper's a bit taken back by his outburst but stands her ground.

"If you don't change up your act, we're over!"

"I guess we're over then!" The male yelled and Pepper's eyes widen. She shook her head furiously and ran out of the lab. Your eyes widen as she throws the files onto the ground.

"I quit," She growls and leaves. You peek into the lab to see Tony throwing shit against the wall. You sighed in frustration, this man was crazy at times.

"Another argument?" Bucky asks, worry laced his voice. You nodded and crossed your arms.

"She has a point. He has been in his lab for too long," You mumble and Bucky nods in agreement. Tony continued to throw his stuff across the room and scream.

You walked into his lab wearily, dodging a flying piece of metal. Tony growled and whipped his head around. His gaze softened as he realized it was only you.

"Hey Y/N," He murmured and looked back at his stuff behind him. You sighed and put a affectionate hand onto his shoulder. Tony's gaze still onto his work. But his mind was elsewhere.

"She's right you know," You mumble and he scoffs. His shoulder moving from your hand. He shakes his head and walks away.

In the morning

"Ok so for the party I'm thinking that we should have purple balloons," Clint inquires as Natasha shakes her head.

"Nah, red and black," Clint gives her a look of mock disgust. Bruce sighs and shakes his head at the two children.

"Just get some regular black balloons," Bruce said and Wade entered the room. He had a bunch of balloons filled with helium.

"I got them," Wade said, his voice high pitched. Bruce sighs and leaves the room like a disappointed parent. Clint laughs as Natasha rolls her eyes playfully.

"Did you inhale helium?"

"No," Wade spoke now with a normal voice. Nat sighs in disappointment.

"Wait, then ho-,"

"Alright, I got the snacks, food, and what not," Steve says, arriving with the said items in his arms. Clint's mouth was agape, wondering how Wade was doing that.

"But ho-,"

"Clint, sweetie, we need you to focus," Steve interrupted in a mocking tone. Bucky snorted as Steve put the food on the table. Clint frowned and flipped them all off.

Steve turns the lights down, and Bucky plays the music. Clint sets out the snacks with Natasha. You watch from a distance and laugh as Clint looks at Wade in confusion.

"Is he coming out?" Bucky asked and you shrugged. You turned around to see a cocky looking Tony. He gives you his charming smile and walks into the large room. He finished straightening his bow tie.

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