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Requested by EdgySmolBean

#137: "You're an Asshole!"
#31: "I fucked up."
#55: "Shut up and kiss me already,"

Warnings: Cursing, Horny Ass Tony ( So basically normal Tony)


Tony wasn't one of those people who would give up easily. Recently, he'd been trying to get you to sleep with him. You were basically his mission. Lol, That's funny.

"Y/N!" He whined and continued to follow you around the tower. Steve and Bucky chuckled at his childesh behavior.

"What?" You asked and turned around to face him. He grinned as you finally looked at him.

"One Night." You groaned in annoyance and shook your head. You walked towards the other Avengers sitting on the couch.

"Is that a yes?" You flip him off, causing him to scoff and sit down on the couch next to Clint. You sat far away from him, and next to someone innocent, next to Peter.

"Come on Y/N! I can't stop masturba-thinking about you." He said, and you glared at him.

"LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" Sam announced as he stood on Bucky's shoulders. Bucky just sighed and sipped some coffee from his mug. Clint smirked and nodded in agreement. Everyone tensed and looked at each other. Everyone hated this game, especially since last time. Steve still gets nightmares about it.

Thor was the first to run, Sam tried to catch the god but failed. Peter ran as well, Sam was catching up to him, then the teen jumped onto the fucking ceiling and ran away. Then everyone at once ran away at full speed. Tony tried to leap over the couch but Clint body slammed him onto the ground. Bruce tried to run away once he saw Tony fall, but Sam was catching up to him. You tripped Sam as you tried to run away. Sam grabbed you by the ankles and dragged you backwards, letting Bruce free.

"AVENGE US BRUCE!" You yelled and falled back onto the couch dramatically. You saw Natasha and reached out for her.

"Nat, HELP!" You yelled. She glanced back and stared at you.

"Every man for themsleves." She said and fucking ran the other way. Steve and Bucky didn't even try at this point. Loki just fucking dissapeared out of thin air and the others locked themsleves in their rooms.

It was You, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint and Tony. The worst team up ever. Last time you guys were on a mission, Steve and Bucky were pissed since they did all the work. Clint & Sam kept making bird calls and getting off task. You and Tony were too busy bickering because he was making sexual advances onto you 24/7. Basically making a Penis joke every 5 seconds, whatever you want to call it.

"I was so close." You said and looked towards the way people ran. Tony put a hand around your shoulders. You were going to give him a smile, but he started smirking.

"You dirty mother fu--,"

"Shh, the baby can hear you." Peter said poking his head out of his room. Everyone turns to look at him.

"What baby?" Steve asked causing Peter to grin.

"Me, I'm the baby." He said and you started to laugh. He then went back inside his room and shut the door.

"Ok, Tony go first." Sam said. Tony smirks and cracks his knuckles. You mentally face-palm, this dude better not pick you.

"Y/N," You sighed.

"When will death befall me?" You asked as Clint chuckled.

"Mood." Steve mumbled and you both high-fived. Bucky furrowed his brows together in confusion.

"Truth or Dare?" Tony asked, a smile crept onto his lips.

"Truth." You said.

"Do you want to fuck me?" You raised a brow at him and Clint just stared at you both.

"Dare." You said quickly, Bucky and Steve refrian themsleves from laughing.

"I dare you to fuck me." He said smirking.

"Never Have I Ever." You said, Sam and Clint laugh harder.

"That's not the game." Tony said grinning wickedly. You glare at him and stand up.

"You're an asshole." You said and stomped off to your room. Steve and Bucky gave Tony a look. Tony sighed and went to follow you.

"No, Please don't leave us with.......them." Bucky said, glancing at Clint and Sam. Tony shrugged and walked over to your room.

"Y/N." He said knocking on the door. You let out a growl in frustration. He opened the door and shut it behind him.

"Look, I'm sorry about that. I Fucked up big time." He said and looked at his shoes. You started to smile at his nervousness.

"I just really like you and want you to be mine. You probably don't feel the same way. I'm sorry if I was offending you or making you uncomfortable."  He said, now fiddling with his fingers.

He stopped and gave you a forced smile. He went to leave but you stopped him. 

"Wait, Tony."

"What?" He asked pausing  at the door. He felt you grasp his hand and he faced you. He felt his ears burn. Da fuq was he blushing for.

"Uhh, do you want me to le—,"

"Shut up and kiss me already." You said and pulled his lips down onto yours. His eyes went wide, then he kissed back.

Your fingers went through his hair as his hands rested on your waist. The kiss felt like it lasted forever. Once you both separated from each other, Tony started to grin.

"I love you." He mumbled and you grinned.

"Love ya too, Anthony."

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