I'll Do It!/Requested

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Requested by sophialaraq

Warnings: Cursing as always

Tony is going to be extra generous this chapter!

Prepare for Generous Tony!


Everyone had gotten back from a mission. The worst mission ever. You guys succeeded of course, but at what cost.

It seemed to hit you harder than anyone else, because you struggled to save a kid.

A fucking kid.

You cursed under your breath and walked into your room. Everyone flinched as the door slammed.

"Man, I hope Y/N's gonna be Fine." Steve said worriedly. The team nodded.

"Yeah, this is the first time she probably failed at saving someone." Bucky said and everyone nodded.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys in the morning." Clint said and everyone nodded.

Tony paused at your door, unsure of what to do. He wanted to knock and ask if you were fine.

He sighed and walked towards his room and shut the door.


"Y/N!" Steve's voice echoed. You groan and sat up in bed.

You growled and made your way towards the living room. Steve took a look at you.

Your eyes were red and puffy, from crying, clearly. You seemed to be sleep deprived.

Steve sent you a pained look.

"Guys Where's the coffee?" You asked and everyone stared at each other.

"Well, Clint drank the last of it." Steve said and Clint gave you an innocent look. You groaned in frustration.

"It's fine. I'll get some from the store." Tony finally said and stood up from his seat. Nat gave Tony a weird look.

"He's being awfully nice." She commented and Steve nodded in unison.

"Thanks Anthony." You said and he chuckled.

"Anything for my Best Friend...*whispers* girlfriend." He mumbled and walked away.

You sat at the table next to Steve, who was rubbing your back soothingly.

"Y/N. It wasn't your fault." Bucky explained and you gave him a glare. You groaned in annoyance.

"It was my fault. I could've saved the kid, but I wasn't focused." You said as Bucky embraced you.

Everyone looked at each other. Steve sighed and finally broke the awkward silence.

"You can't save everybody." Steve said trying to reason with you. You sniffled and nodded.

Tony came racing back into the room with your coffee in hand. He gave it to you and he gave you a smile.

You gave him a small smile back and sipped your coffee. You sighed and sat down.

"Do you need anything Y/N? I could do your laundry if you want? Or cook you food? Or I could make the bed?" Tony said with his hands behind his back.

You gave him a questioning look and shook your head. Tony nodded, but he did those things anyway.

Tony cleaned your sheets and blankets. He cleaned your clothes and folded them.

He even made you fucking breakfast.

It went on for a few weeks. At first it was adorable. Tony doing all these things for you. You didn't know why.

Then Natasha and Wanda sat down and talk with you.

"You think he might be doing it for, ya know, sex?" Wanda asked nervously. You furrowed your brows together.

You never thought about it that way. You sighed.

"He could be." You said, but you didn't want to believe it. Natasha and Wanda exchanged a look.

You sighed and got up from the couch. You made your way into your room, where Tony was making the bed.

"Oh, hey Y/N." He said giving you a small wave. You rolled your eyes and smiled.

"I just thought you.......I mean if.....I,"He trailed off when he heard you chuckling.

"Thanks Tony. But I think I'm good. You don't have to do everything." You said and he nodded.

But he still did it.

He kept making you breakfast every damn morning.

He still folded your clothes and made your bed.

Look, you loved Tony being generous. But he was being too generous for you liking.

Now this started to piss you off. You told him to stop, nicely may I add, numerous times.

One day, you just had it. When you caught Tony making your clothes onto the bed.

"Hi Y/N, I was ju-,"

"Yeah I know Tony." You said cutting him off completely. Tony turned to you with an innocent look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Look, Tony. I think it's nice of you to do these things for me, but can you stop please?" You said.

Tony looked at you and tilted his head to the side.

"Oh, yeah. But I just thought you may need help."

"I'm not helpless Tony. I can do it." You said chuckling lightly. Tony kept a serious expression on.

"Well sorry." He said and rolled his eyes. You sighed, you could tell you offended him. 

"Sorry for what?"


"No, what are you sorry for Tony?!"

"It's nothing."

"Tony I swear if you don't tell me—,"


You looked up at him and Tony's eyes widen. He rubbed the back of his neck and he grimaced.

"I mean," He said and he felt your hand intertwined with his.

"I was just trying to make you feel better, after the mission." He said looking at the ceiling.

You smiled and squeezed his hand.

"Thank you Tony. But you don't have to do all these nice things." You said and wrapped your arms around his neck.

He nodded and shifted his gaze towards you.

"So does this mean, we're a thing now?"

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