Fuck Him Up!/Requested

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Requested by Winstonsbabe

Warnings: Cursing

Dad!Tony Stark


"Bucky, we have a situation!" Tony yelled pounding his fist against Bucky's door. Tony stopped when the door opened.

"What?!" He asked a bit agitated.

"We have a problem." Tony said and Bucky rolled his eyes.

"I don't care, Stark. Let me sleep." Bucky said and closed the door.

"It's about Y/N!" Tony said and Bucky's door opened instantly.

"What happened?" He asked and Tony sighed.

"She's crying, I don't know why?" Tony said nervously.

Tony never had been good at the father role. At least he thought that. He didn't want to become his father in anyway. He tried to be the best for you.

"I don't know what to do? What if she's hurt or something?" Tony babbled and Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose.

He walked out of his room and to your room. It was next to Tony's. He knocked on the door.

You opened the door a bit and looked at him. Bucky noticed your red eyes. They were swollen from crying.

"Yes?" You asked and Bucky gave you a small smile.

"Hey, Y/N. Your father and I are a bit worried about you. Are you ok?" Bucky asked and you nodded.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Bucky asked.

"Is Daddy there?" You asked and Bucky nodded. You opened the door and they both walked in.

"What's wrong?" Tony asked and gave you a nervous look. You noticed his worried glance.


"He hurt you?" Tony asked and his eyes darken. You shook your head quickly.

"No he-,"

You were cut off by a knock. It was against the front door. Bucky went to go answer it as Tony stayed with you.

A few minutes later Bucky yelled out Tony's name. Tony and you walked into the living room.

There, a bloody looking Jacob was seen.

"Why'd you beat up a kid?" Tony asked looking at him in disbelief.

"He cheated on Y/N!" Bucky said and Tony tensed. His eyes darken and he looked at the kid.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" He yelled. Jacob shrugged, which he regretted soon after.

"Fuck him up!" Tony yelled and cussed the little shut out. Bucky did many army maneuvers on the kid.

Poor kid was probably going to have bruises for weeks.

That's what you get for Cheating on Stark's kid.

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