Mission Accomplished/Requested

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Requested by jessiedolly

Warnings: Cursing


Steve was running with Bucky beside him. Sam behind them, shooting at the enemies. They all exchanged worried looks.

"We have to get out of here!" Bucky yelled and Steve nodded. They headed for a safe place.

"Shit!" Steve looks behind him to see Bruce being shot down. His eyes widen and he smirked at San.

"Nice one, Sam." He said and Sam smiled. Tony rushed over to his partner and called Rhodey over.

"Bruce has been shot down!" You said to Peter who nodded, smiling.

"Bruce no!" Tony yelled and tried to help Bruce up. But then Bruce was shot again by Bucky, killing him.

Tony watched as Bruce died in his arms and he faced Rhodey. Rhodey gave him a sad look.

"NOOO!" Bruce yelled and threw the controller to the ground. It broke and Bruce walked out of the room, pissed.

Sam and Bucky high-fived as they found there hiding spot. You guys were currently playing Call of Duty, multiplayer version.

The teams were simple.

Team Red, White, and Blue: Sam, Bucky, and Steve

Team Science Bros: Rhodey, Tony, and Bruce

Team Winning: Clint, Natasha, and Wanda.

Team This Bitch Empty: Peter and You.

You guys were playing in separate rooms. But you could hear the yells of frustration from the other teams, through the walls.

Your hearing was superb as well.

Also, you could talk to them through the headsets you guys wore.

You whispered to Peter your plan and he smirked.

"Holy Shit, Tony is coming for you guys." You said as you perched on your secret base.

"Shit, Bucky hide!" Sam yelled into his headset. You sniped him from a distance.

"Ha, Surprise Mother Fucker!" You said and you heard Sam yell.

"Go on without me!" He yelled dramatically and Bucky, without hesitation, left Sam.

"Oh my fucking god, he just left you!" You yelled laughing loudly.


You laughed and Peter high-fived you.

"Shouldn't be talking Sam!" You said and shot him again, killing him.

"No!" He yelled and threw the controller against the wall.

"I found Steve!" Rhodey yelled, but Natasha shot him. Rhodey fell to the ground dead.

"RHODES!" Tony yelled in distress. You shot Wanda as her character stood still. 

You dropped a bomb down below and both Clint and Nat died. They cursed at each other. You suspected they were bickering, which got them killed.

"Mr. Stark, it's better to surrender now, or else Y/N's going to suck your blood!" You gave Peter a look as he mimicked a horrible accent.

You put the mic away from your mouth.

"Really?" You said and he turned red.

"Sorry." He said and you put the mic back down towards your mouth. You grabbed a bottle of water and took a sip.

"Oh I'll give her something to suck on." Tony said into the mic and you spat the water out of your mouth.

"I swear Stark, I will fucking year you apart." You growled and looked around for him on the game.

You turned to Peter to ask him a question, but your eyes widen at what you saw. He had fake fangs in is mouth with a large cloak wrapped around his shoulders.

"What the hell are you doing?!" You asked and he looked at you.

"You know not all—You know what, never mind." You said continuing your game.

Since Peter had fake fangs in his mouth he couldn't talk right.

"Y/N heth legt!" He said and you rolled your eyes. Tony shot down Bucky with a missile. Bucky died instantly at the impact.

"Holy Shit!" You yelled and Steve's player charged towards Tony's. You and Peter jump down from your hiding spots.

You and him both shot Steve & Tony. Steve groaned and shot Peter.

"Nooo!" You yelled and shot Steve in the head. You knelt by Peter's character.

"Y/N, I don't feel so good." He said and you raised a brow. He took out his fake fangs to say that.

Tony had his gun pointed at you. He shot you and you died. He laughed and smiled in victory.

But the game was still going.

"Wait, didn't I win?" He asked. You and Peter exchanged smirks.

"Oh no, Mr. Stark. You forgot our third Player." Then out of no where a bunch of bullets impaled Tony's character. Tony fell to the ground dead.

"HA FUCK YEAH!" Wade yelled and pumped his fist into the air. The screen read,

Winner: Team 4/ Player: MercWithAMouth

Tony groaned and you smiled. You mumbled into the mic,

"Maybe you'll win next time, Stark."

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