Teacher's Partner/Smuttish

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You were 18 years old and went to the Avengers  high school. You loved going there. You had amazing teachers.

Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes taught History. Mr.Banner taught Science, Ms. Romanov and Mr. Barton taught Physical Education. Mr.Vision and Ms. Maximoff taught English.

Also, your elective, which was Health/Sex Ed was Mr.Wilson. He usually liked his students to call him Mr.DeadPool though.

Oh you almost forgot. Math, Mr, Fucking Son of a Bitch, Stark.

Everyone had a crush on almost actually all of their teachers. You had it for Mr.Stark. He was really handsome and really attractive. He had those gorgeous brown eyes.

And that nice a-

"Ms. Y/N, are you listening?" Mr. Rogers asked kindly. Mr.Barnes sent you a kind smile. They were the really nice and gentlemen teachers.

"Sorry, Mr. Rogers. I didn't mean to doze off." You spoke quickly, as long as you were kind to them. They were kind to you. Rogers sent you a kind smile.

"It's ok. Just pay attention next time, dear." Then he went on about his lesson again. The bell soon rang.

"Remember on Friday we have a test!" He yelled. You nodded and ran out the door. You had one period left.


Jeez. How were you going to get though this.

"Hey what are we doing in Math?" You asked your friend as she passed by. She sighed.

"Moving seats." She said and quickly ran to her last period. Thank god.

You hated where you sat. All the way on the back. You might think. Better to not be seen, right. Nope. You can't hear a fucking thing from there.

"Ok class. Line up." Mr.Stark said and sent you all his famous smile.

He wore a tight suit, with the jacket off. His biceps tight against the white buttoned up shirt he wore. He wore black trousers. A bow tie around his neck.

"Damn." You mumbled. Your other friend, Chris rolled his eyes at you.

"I'm not the one who likes Ms.Romanov." You teased, causing Chris to go red. Across from you, an annoying bastard name Eli (change if this is your name. Sorry) scoffed.

"Y/N baby." He whined. You rolled your eyes. You broke up with him about a month ago. He was being a douche.

"I'm not your babe Eli." You growled in annoyance.

The line started to move into the classroom. Mr. Stark sat in his desk. Where a desk was propped next to it.

All the girls smirked, wanting to get that seat. He pointed to each seat and called out each persons name.

He came to the seat that was next to his.

"Y/N." He called and a smirk rises onto his lips. It quickly goes away and you put your belongings into the desk.

He sent you a sweet smile and continued his task.

Once everyone was given a seat, Mr.Stark
pulled out a piece of paper.

"These are your partners for your project." He said and started to read it.

"Chris and Emma (if That's your name change it if you want to)." He called and you cursed under your breath. Chris sighed.

"Y/N and Eli." You cursed and Eli smirked. Once he read all the peoples names off the list. Everyone moved seats.

Instead you walked up to Mr.Stark. He looked up from his desk and raised a brow.

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