Wrong Room/Requested

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Warnings: Cursing, Smut, fluff?

Requested by anthonyedwardstark65

#78: "Hold me and never let go,"
#90: "Catch me if you can,"
#203: "Shower Sex,"


You scream as you run away from Peter. He was chasing you down laughing. You had tears of joy streaming down your cheeks as you ran the other way. 

"Get back here!" He yelled and tried to catch up to you. You had his backpack strapped tightly, making sure it didn't fall off. You brought your hand up, and stuck your middle finger at him.

You heard him laugh and continued to run after you. He was getting frustrated at how you were dodging his webs so swiftly.

"Y/N I SWEAR!" Peter yelled as he saw you head for Stark Tower. You laughed wickedly and looked back at him smirking.

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, PARKER!" You yelled one last time before bolting through the front doors. Happy saw you both and walked the other way instantly.

"Aren't you gonna handle tha-,"

"Nope," He said cutting off one of the other employees. He had enough of shit for a day.

You ran towards the elevator and hit the button so many times as Peter ran towards you. You smirked at him as the elevator doors closed and it started to go up. You knew how fast Peter was, and at this point he was taking the stairs.

When the doors opened with a ding, you went into one of the open bedrooms. You slid Peter's backpack into the closet and shut it. His footsteps grew more louder, his taunting voice boomed.

"Oh Y/N!" He yelled finally coming up the final steps. You mumbled a curse and ran into the bathroom. You shut it behind you and locked it. You slid down against it and held your breath. You closed your eyes and stayed completely silent.

"Y/N?" You tensed at the voice, trying to stay quiet. It didn't dawn on you until a couple seconds later, that the voice wasn't Peter's. You cracked open an eye and looked up at a fully naked Tony Stark.



Tony quickly grabbed a nearby towel and covered himself. Your eyes widen at what you just witnessed. He gave you a glare as you stood up.

"What are you doing in here?!" He growled, and you couldn't talk back. You were just fucking speechless. Between hiding from Peter, seeing Tony naked, a lot was happening.

"I can explain," You whispered, but Peter's loud voice did the talking for you.


"Are you really playing hide n seek in the tower?!"

"No, I stole his backpack,"


"I don't know Tony, Why are you naked?" You asked frustrated. Tony gave you a look.

"I'm about to take a FUCKING SHOWER!" He screeched softly. You rolled your eyes and motioned for him to shut it, so Peter wouldn't hear him. He growled in annoyance and went to turn on the shower

"Really?!" You scoffed.

"I'm gonna take my Fucking shower!" He argued back and you sighed. Tony turned around, holding onto the towel still, and turned the knobs.

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