Going Rogue

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Everyone knew the damage Tony could do with his Arc Beam.

He shot off Bucky's metal arm for fucks sakes.

That set off Steve. Steve was filled with hatred and showed no remorse.

Hey, if someone hurt your Best friend, would you go rogue?

The answer was indeed, yes.

You always liked Tony's Arc Reactor. It showed off that special light. It was also his heart, basically.

You told him it was one of the things you loved about him. But that was before he decided he wanted it out.

Now it was gone, but his suit had a powerful beam.

Almost every time he would always answer back with his usual sexual, sassy, stupid remark when you mentioned it.

You'd either laugh or roll your eyes at him. Either way he was always joking.

After Civil War, Tony's wit wasn't as it used to be. His head was always kept down.

Once in a while his mouth would form into its beautiful, signature smirk and he'd go for a remark, but that happened rarely.

More often he'd sleep on your stomach and you could feel the tears as he silently cried.

Civil War left Tony vulnerable, you didn't know why. He wouldn't tell anyone about what happened.

He just told you about the epic fight. But never got into to detail why. It always confused you.

"Steve was only defended Bucky on how it sounds. Why'd you have to go and make the first punch?" You asked him.

Tony shrugged and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. You stuff your mouth with cereal and chew slowly. Tony averted his eyes from you quickly.

"I mean. If you hadn't done the first punch it would've never happened." You said looking at him.

"You should've just let the ma-,"

"No! I didn't ok! Because his friend murdered my parents! AND HE DIDNT TELL ME!" Tony yelled angrily. His jaw clenched and his eyes blazing with hatred.

You gulped and stared at him. You've never seen him so angry, and so heartbroken he put his face in his hands. He didn't cry, but he just breathed calmly.

You sat silent for a while, not processing what he said.

"Wait, I thought your parents died in a car crash?" You asked. Tony shook his head and grimaced.

"Bucky did it all. He murdered them. Both of them. He murdered my mom." Tony said clenching his hands into fists. His knuckles had gone white.

"Oh. Tony I didn't know." You said reassuringly to him. Tony nodded but sighed, he picked up a glass of scotch.

He calmly took a sip of the alcoholic beverage and looked back at you.

You wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his shoulder. He put the scotch down and wrapped his arms around you.

"I should've told you." He said and kissed your forehead. You shook your head and put your hands in his hair.

"Sorry for making you angry." You said with a cheeky smile. Tony chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Baby, you never make me angry."


Steve had came back, he wanted to talk to Tony.

Tony kindly refused, but Steve wasn't budging.

"Steve leave." Tony said angrily. Steve sighed. Tony then noticed Bucky beside him.

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