I Care More Than You Think/Dad!Tony Stark

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Watch Video above for a idea of it. And don't cry.

Infinity War spoilers.

You watched as Peter got yelled at by Tony. You stood up.

"Dad, we were trying!" You yelled. Tony averted his gaze to you. His jaw clenched in anger.

Oh you might be thinking, what have you guys done to get him so pissed off.

Well, it starts like this.

You and Peter were trying to help civilians, from the vulture. You got your iron kid suit and he got his Spider-Man one on. 

You and him beat the bad guys up and the Vulture was almost defeated.

Then the weapon he had activated, cut the whole ship in half. You helped Peter, as he shot webs out and tried to hold the ship together.

You tried to send Your missiles out to help push them together. But before you could, Peter started to feel the ship get lighter.

You turned to see the Iron Man suit. You growled in annoyance. The suit patched up the hole and landed on a building.

You and Peter exchanged a look.

"Is everyone ok?" Peter asked as he took his mask off.

"No thanks to you." The suit said. You growled in annoyance.

"No thanks to me! None of this would've happened if you just listens to me." Peter yelled.

"If you cared. You'd actually be here." You snarl. Your father then let the suit open and he gets out.

Your eyes widen.

'Oh shit.'

Peter backed up and you did the same. You gulped and watched your fathers angry face.

"Ya know, Everyone thought I was crazy for recruiting two fourteen year old kids." Tony growled out in anger.

Peter gulped.

"I'm 15."

"No this is where you zip it! The Adult is talking!" Tony yelled, his voice rising.

And that's how you got here.

"Dad! We were trying!" You yelled back. Tony gave you a glare, you shut your mouth.

"I'm gonna need the suit back." Tony said. Peter's eyes widen and his face dropped.

"No. Please. I'm sorry. I'm nothing without this suit."

"If your nothing without the suit then you shouldn't have it." Tony says and held his hand out. You clenched your fists.

"Says the guy who's actually nothing without a suit." You mumbled. Tony's head shot towards you.

He narrowed his eyes at you. Peter looked between you and Tony.

"Peter leave us. We'll talk later." Tony growled angrily. Peter nodded and swung away.

"I thought better of you Y/N. My kid, doing dangerous things like this!" Tony growled in anger.

You glared at him and scoffed.

"I'm the one doing dangerous things!? Really funny?!" You growled back and crossed your arms.

Tony pinched the bridge of his nose and sent you a mean look. Your hands clenched into fists.

You let the suit open up and you walked out of it. You were in your Iron Man tee and jeans. You had a bruise on your bottom lip.

Scars and a couple bruises covered your face and body.

"See. You keep hurting yourself like this!" Tony said, his voice cracked.

"Dad. I'm fine. I got everything under-control. No one died." You growled and scoffed.

"If those innocent civilians did die, different story, that's on Peter and you." Tony said and he felt his heart clench.

He felt it fasten and he felt like he couldn't breath. But he kept his breathing straight.

"But if you die, Y/N. I feel like that's on me." He said.

"Whatever." You said. Tony clenched his shoulder, with his right hand.

"No wonder Steve beat you. No wonder you let him and Bucky go. You couldn't do anything about it. Because you are a coward." You' said glaring at your father.

Tony gulped and he looked down at you. Tears welled up in his eyes. You were going to leave when you heard him cry.

Tony sunk to his knees and put his head into his hands. His shoulders heaved when he cried silently.

You felt bad and looked at him. You clenched your jaw.

"Dad. I'm sorry." You said. Tony glanced at you, his eyes red. He shook his head.

"You're living with Aunt May Now." He said and glared at you.

"But Dad.."

"No Y/N. You got what you wanted. I'm obviously a coward." Tony spat in annoyance. He let the suit engulf him and he was flying away.

You guys haven't spoke since.

Until, Three years later.


Now as Tony watched Peter disappear in front of him he hoped you weren't next.

The unspoken words you guys had between three years.

He watched as you glanced up at him through tear stained eyes.

"Dad." You said and dropped to your knees. Tony felt tears come down his cheeks. Tony grasped your body and held you close.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. You deserved better. I should've never pushed you out." He said and kissed your forehead. You smiled up at him.

"Dad it's ok. I love you."

"I'm so sorry Babygirl. I should've." Tony broke down and you hugged him tightly.

"Please don't go. Y/N." Tony said and hugged you tightly.

Tony felt his heart clench as you slowly turned into dust. He let the tears come and he sobbed. Nebula watched the poor man break down.

Tony was more broken inside now, more than ever.

Everything he loved was gone.

Gone and never to return.

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