50 Shades Of Stark/Requested

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Requested by sophialaraq

#205: Angry sex
#206: BJ (blow job)
#208: Kinky Shit
#34: "I don't deserve to be loved."

Warnings: Cursing, Smut, Dirty, Kink

Get ready for Kinky Tony, which is actually Tony on a regular basis.


Tony was frustrated, not the good kind of frustrated either. He was confused as why you stayed with him. Through all his shit and even when he had nightmares.

Even when he woke up in the middle of the night, screaming and yelling.

Today, was one of those nights. But he didn't have you to comfort him. You were awake and talking to the Avengers in the living room.

"Do you want me to contact Miss Y/N, Sir?" Jarvis asked and Tony shook his head.

"No thanks J." He said and took a deep breath. He was trembling slightly and he was trying to calm himself down.

Instead of following Tony's orders, Jarvis notified you immediately. You gave the Avengers a look and they nodded.

You hurried into Tony's/Yours shared room. You saw him on the bed, sat up. He was clutching his left arm.

You walked into the room and shut the door behind you.

"Tony, are you ok?" You asked and Tony looked up. He nodded quickly and laid back down.

You sighed and slipped into bed next to him. Once you guys were settled in bed together, Tony let out a shaky breath. 

You closed your eyes and Tony separated from you. He felt he shouldn't always rely on you to help him. He finally dozed off soon after you did.


You were awoken at 3 in the morning. You felt Tony moving beside you. You shrugged it off, he was probably getting comfortable in bed.

Then you felt him jolt. You opened your eyes sleepily. You heard whimpering and you instantly shot up in bed.

You tried to wake Tony by shaking him lightly. He must be having nightmares.

He shuddered and he whimpered. He clutched his pillow tightly.

"Tony." You said trying to wake him. You continued to shake him but he wouldn't wake.

Then you felt something grab your arm. Your eyes widen and you yelped. Tony's suit had its hand around your wrist.

Tony's eyes shot open and he looked at you. He hurriedly got out of bed and motioned to the suit.

"Power down!" He said and suit did as told. Tony panted and sat onto his bed.

"It's not supposed to do that." He said and tried to control his breathing. He swallowed thickly and turned to you.

"I'll recalibrate the sensors." He said and you stayed in bed. Tony got back into bed and moved closer to you. You embraced him and he felt safe.

"I don't deserve to be loved." He mumbled and you furrowed your brows together.

"I don't think I can get back to sleep." He said and you pecked his forehead. He smiled and hugged you tightly.

"You're fine Tony. I'll be right here with you." You said and Tony nodded.

You and him doze off.


In the morning you felt Tony moving around beside you. You woke up, worried about his nightmare.

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