Stark Naked/Requested

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Requested by Loveless_Dorian

#109: "Why Are You Naked?"

Warnings: Naked Tony, Cursing, More Naked Tony


"Yeah, catch you later Bucky!" You yelled and walked into the tower. Bucky and Steve were going somewhere.

Clint was in the kitchen, as always. Today, he was chugging down a carton of milk. You raised a brow at him.

He shrugged.

"Come on, this isn't the weirdest thing you've seen." Clint said. You nodded.

"Yup, that's true." You said and made your way to the pantry. You grabbed a chocolate bar and leaned against the counter.

"Really, What was it?" He asked excitedly. You groaned.

"I can't tell." You said sadly. Clint pouted and threw the empty milk carton into the trash.

"Why not?"

"Because then he'd kill me." You said chuckling. Clint cocked his head to the side. As if on cue, Natasha walked into the kitchen.

"Nat, come here." Clint yelled over to his friend. Nat walked towards him.


"Y/N wont tell me the weirdest thing she saw!" Clint yelled outraged. Natasha raised a brow and you sighed.

"It's none of your business, Clint." You said cheekily. Clint frowned and scoffed.

"It's a hundred percent of my business." He added as Nat walked closer to you two.

"What's your business?" Tony asked as he walked into the kitchen. He opened the fridge.

"Who drank all our fucking milk?" He groaned and grabbed a bottle of juice. He poured himself a glass and put it to his lips.

"Well, Y/N wont tell me the most weirdest thing she saw!" Clint whined. Tony almost spat out all his apple juice.

Natasha narrowed her eyes as Tony regained his composure. Tony gulped and you sent him a look.

"Well, maybe it's none of your business." He said and hurriedly left the room. Clint's eyes focused back on you.

"Fine. I won't push it." He said and he held his hands up. You thanked him and walked back to your room.

-time skip, brought to you by, Bucky eating plums-

"EVERYONE GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!" Clint yelled and everyone raced down, weapons held in hand.

"What happened?" Steve asked holding his shield up protectively. Bucky had a knife clenched in his left hand.

Tony was holding a repulser up and you were holding a shot gun.

"Nothing, remember what day it is?" Clint asked a smiling widely. Everyone groaned and sat in a circle on the floor. They put their weapons aside.

"Truth or Dare?" Nat asked and everyone nodded.

"Ok, Tony go first." Clint said and Tony nodded.

"Cap, Truth or Dare." Tony said smirking. Steve bit his lower lip and sighed.


"I dare you to go outside, butt naked, and yell, "I LOVE FUCKING AMERICA!"' Tony said.

Steve groaned in annoyance and stripped his pants and boxers. His yells were heard as he spoke loudly.

"I LOVE FUCKING AMERICA!" He yelled and he hurriedly put his boxers back on. Tony smirked.

"Ok, Clint. Truth or Dare?" Steve asked and Clint thought for a second.


"Pussy." Bucky mumbled and Clint gave him a glare. Sam chuckled and high-fived Bucky.

"What do you sleep with at night?"

"My bow." Clint said proudly and he turned to look at you. His smirk was wicked and it scared you a bit.

"Truth or Dare?" Clint asked.

You were going to stay on the safe side.


What's the worst that can happen?

"What was the most weirdest thing you've seen." Your eyes widen and Tony gulps. Clint chuckled evilly.

He got you. You groaned and sent Tony an apologetic smile.

"Ok, I was coming back from a mission with Sam. Remember when we had to beat up those Hydra Agents." You told Sam who nodded.

"I told Tony to meet me in my room, so we could talk about our relationship."


You groaned as your arm throbbed. You had punched a Hydra agent too hard. Well it hurt him more than you.

You walked towards your bedroom. You wanted to just take a shower and go to bed.

You remembered you told Tony you wanted to talk to him. You wanted to tell him if He was going to take the relationship to the next level.

You guys have been dating for more than a year now and you wanted something more.

You heard shuffling from inside of your room. You furrowed your brows together and opened the door.

Your eyes widen and you stared at Tony.

"Um, Tony."


"Why are you naked?" You asked. Tony was on your bed, smirking. He wasn't completely naked.

(End Of Flashback)

Clint's eyes widen and he broke down with laughter. Tony's ears turned red.

"Wait, Tony was naked on your bed?!"

"Not completely." You said and Tony rolled his eyes. Steve snorted as Sam raised a brow at Tony.

"Oh my god! Tony you horny mother fucker." Clint yelled chuckling. Natasha was chuckling while smirking.

"Ok. That's it for Truth or Dare. Or else I'm going to puke." Clint said and ran into his bedroom.

Everyone headed out. Tony and you stayed behind.

"Sorry." You said and Tony shook his head.

"It's ok." He said, fiddling with his hands. You smirked and moved your head up to look at him.

"If it makes it any better. It was hot as fuck." You said. Tony gave you a small smile, making your heart flutter.

You and him stood up and walked towards your bedroom.

"I am hot aren't I?" He said confidently as he flexed his biceps.

"Don't push it."

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