Hell's Gates/Requested

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Requested by irmaefigenio

Warnings: Cursing


You were a bit pissed of today. Tony noticed you looked a bit angry and avoiding him. He sat next to you during dinner time.

Steve and Bucky we're making something in the kitchen. Bruce was on the other side of you talking to Sam.

Rhodey joining their conversation. Tony smiled and intertwined his fingers with you. You let go of his hand and he raised a brow.

"Babe, you ok?" He asked. You shook your head.

"Tony, I'm on my period." You said calmly. Too calmly.

"Really?" He asked and you gave him a look.

"No Tony, I'm bleeding out of my body because I want to!" You growled silently. Tony nodded and took the hint.

Peter was sitting next to Tony and was talking to Wade. Wade stopped over to have dinner with you guys.

"Ok guys, the food is ready." Steve said and came out with a plate of tacos. Everyone cheered and dug into the food.

Peter munched on a taco and gave you a small smile. Wade devoured three tacos already, somehow. Tony was barley taking a bite out of his.

"How are they?" Steve asked and Bucky gave him a thumbs up.

"They're delicious!" Thor said happily grabbing another one. Wanda smiled kindly and nodded in agreement.

You were eating the taco quietly. Clint raised a brow, confused on why you were so quiet. Natasha tried to warn him to be shut up, but it was too late.

"Y/N, how's your taco?" He asked and you glanced up at him.

"It's really good, nice job Steve, and Bucky." You said, making Bucky smile. You felt pain shoot through your abdomen. You forced a smile and clutched it.

Tony noticed and gave you a concerned look. He tapped Peter's shoulder and Peter looked at Tony.

"Yeah, Mr. Stark?" He asked.

"Can you and Wade go to the store and get Y/N some stuff?" Tony asked slipping him a 50 dollar bill. Peter raised a brow and nodded.

"What does she need?" He asked.

"Well she's on her period an-," Peter cut off Tony

"Say no more, Mr. Stark." Peter said and excused himself from the table with Wade. Tony smiled at the young boy and glanced at you.

You were talking to Bruce about something. Tony didn't pay attention and he talked to Rhodey.

"Great Dinner, Rogers!" Bruce said and got up from the table. You excused yourself as well and walked to your bedroom.

You moaned in pain and plopped onto the bed. Clint knocked on the door.

"Can you leave please!" You said and Clint ignored your protests. Natasha telling him to leave.

"But Y/N, come spar with me!" He whined and you shook your head. He pouted and you rolled your eyes.

"Go spar with Nat." You said and he shrugged.

"She always wins." He complained and you sighed in annoyance.

"No Clint."

"Please!" He whined.

"Clint I said no!"

"But Y/N!" He kept whining.

"CLINT I SAID NO!" You yelled and Clint's eyes widen. Natasha chuckled at your outburst. Clint narrowed his eyes at her.

Clint and Nat left the room, Clint stuck his tongue out at you. Tony walked into the room. He saw you were angry and left immediately.

He was half way out of the hall and almost in the living room.


You clutched your abdomen as pain shot through you. Tony walked slowly back into the room.

"Hey babe." He said giving you an innocent smile.

"Don't you, hey babe, me!" You yelled and Tony laughed nervously. He sat next to you on the bed.

"Cuddle." You said and he sighed. He gave in and laid in bed with you. His arms wrapped around your waist.

"You're lucky I love you." He said, smiling. You scoffed and he rolled his eyes. You chuckled.


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