I Need You

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In Iron Man 3

"Harley I'm going with Tony." You said and kissed your brothers head.

Harley nodded and smiled at you.

"See you later bro. And remember answer the phone when we need you." You said.

Harley nodded again.

"Onto the road." Tony said and smiled.

You sat in the back seat and tiredly lay down.

You wrapped yourself in a blanket and yawned.

"Night Y/N." Tony said and chuckled.

You slowly closed your eyes and fell asleep.

"Night Tony." You said and smiled.

-A couple hours later-

"I need the armor. Where are we with it?" Tony said into the device.

"It's not charging." Harley said.

Tony stopped the car and swerved to the right.

Your eyes widen as you woke up.

You haven't sat up yet not wanting to alert Tony.

His breathing hardened.

"What's questionable about it? It's my suit. It- My- Oh god not now." He said as his breathing quickened.

You could hear his pants from the backseat.

"I uh- *deep breath* I." Tony said trying to speak.

He quickly opened the door and held onto it.

He leaned against the car and panted.

"Are you having another attack?" Harley's voice asked.

You gulped and quickly sprang up.

"I didn't even mention New York." Harley said.

"Right then you just said it by name, while denying having said it." Tony whined and held onto the car.

He cursed and panted for breaths.

His face showed pain and fear.

"Tony." Harley asked.

Then the line hung up.

"Y/N." Tony tried to asked but his voice weakened.

His pants taking over his voice.

"Y/N Please." He tried to say.

You could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Oh god what am I going to do?" Tony asked as his eyes watered.

His scrunched his face up to avoid tears coming down his cheeks.

You hurriedly opened the door.

You saw him in his broken state as he hugged himself.

His face in his hands.

You knelt to his level and wrapped your arms around him.

Tony finally looked up, his eyes watering.

"Y/N." He said and gave into your embrace.

You tightened your grip around him.

You helped him stand up.

You cupped his cheek.

"Tony you gotta calm down." You said as his arms tighten around you.

He nodded but his breathing quickened.

You helped him into his seat and unwrapped your arms from him.

"No." He said and tried to hug you back.

"Tony we gotta-."

"No please. I need you." He said.

You sighed and nodded.

"Go in the backseat and rest." You said.

He nodded and shut the drivers door.

"Please stay with me." He said.

You nodded and shut all the doors.

You laid next to him in the back seat.

He wrapped his arms around you and fell asleep.

You smiled and soon fell asleep with him.

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