Never Again

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Part 3 of Too Far

Warnings: Cursing, Fluff?, Angst


You separated from Steve. Your eyes widen at what you just did. Steve's cheeks started to burn, and he felt embarrassed. You adored Steve, you really did. He might've been an ass at times, but he proved himself to be worthy. You sighed and put a hand onto his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," He mumbled quietly, as his head hung. You shook your head and kissed his cheek.

"I love you Steve, I really do...but..." You couldn't finish your sentence. It hurt you to try. Steve seemed to get at what you were saying and nodded.

"It's fine," He said, giving you a charming smile. You bit your lower lip, you hated doing this to him. You both sat there in an awkward silence. Steve looked at his hands, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Shouldn't Tony be here by now?" You asked and he shrugged. You both got up and walked into the living room. Bruce smiled widely at you, and walked over.

"So, how was the reunion?"  He asked all giddy. You raised a brow in confusion, causing him to furrow his brows together.


"Where's Tony?"

"He said he was heading to your room," Natasha admitted. This time you had a puzzled look on your face. Where the hell was he?

Then, he walked in. Tony had crutches tucked under his arms, he moved forward slowly. A smile tugged onto your lips as you saw him. Steve chuckled as you tackled Tony into a hug.

The billionaire couldn't help but chuckle. But you noticed the look on his face. His eyes avoided yours, and his expression grew more gloomy.

"I missed you so much," You said happily. Tony forced a smile back, and his gaze was towards Steve now. The broad shouldered Dorito smiled kindly at him.  He hated it, he absolutely hated it. Oh god, the meds were really kicking in, he thought as his nose scrunched up, signaling he was about to cry.

He took a shaky breath and looked back at you. Plastering a smile onto his broken figure. You ran your hand through his hair, which calmed him down a bit. You kissed his forehead, causing Clint to sigh in disgust. You laughed at the archer.

"We're glad you're back Tony," Steve added seriously. Tony gave the Solider a tight nod.

"I'm not," He mumbled under his breath. But the damn Solider had some super hearing cause he fucking heard.

"Excuse me?" Tony looked up at the taller man.   His eyes said everything, and Steve felt threatened. He really didn't want to have another argument. Not now. You glanced at Loki, who was on top of the fridge, watching the tea unfold. Sitting next to him was Wade Wilson, they clinked cups and watched.

"I don't know Steve?! What do you think I said?!" He spat at the blond man. Natasha sighed and sat down. She poured herself some hard liquor. Might as well try to pass out now. Clint sat next to her, wanting something to drink as well.

"Calm down Tony, I don't want to have another argument with you," Steve added sternly. A bit of irritation laced his voice. Tony scoffed in anger.

"If you really didn't want to start another argument with me! Why do you keep taking things away from me?!" Steve's eyes widen, not understanding what the shorter man meant. You were just watching the fucking argument unfold. You wanted to interrupt, but the men kept going at it.

"I don't understa-,"

"Oh Fuck you, Rogers! I saw what you did! I SAW EVERYTHING!" He shouted with so much fucking venom. The meds really started to kick in now. Tony was shouting so loud, it woke up some of the other Avengers. Including Peter Parker.

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