In Danger/Requested

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Requested by Zuche_

Warnings: Cursing


"Shoot him!" Sam yelled as he perched on top of Bucky's shoulders. Bucky grunted in response and killed another Hydra Agent.

"Sam, are you going to do something?" Clint asked as his arrows all blasted an Agent backwards. He was perched on a hill, near the battle.

"OH, But LOKI IS DOING NOTHING AND NO ONE CARES!" Sam retorted as he held onto Bucky's shoulders.

Loki sent Sam a glare as he took a sip from his cup, watching from above. Thor was keeping him safe and killed anyone who came near them.

"It's because he's Loki!" Clint said, doing a backflip and killing another Agent.

"And, if we tried to interfere with him, he'd just turn us into an animal! Remember what happened last time." Steve said as he sent his shield forward.

It came back to him and he kicked an agent backwards. Natasha fired a bullet into the Agent's head. Steve sent her a nod and continued to fight.

"Shit." You said from the comms as your repulser powered down.

"Language!" Steve yelled and pummeled an agent to the ground. Scott and Peter were tag teaming, while talking.

"Have you ever watched Star Wars?!" Peter asked as he webbed a dude to the ground.

"Yeah, I love Star Wars!" Scott said while punching a dude in the jaw.

"Focus you two!" Clint yelled as he fired from above. Little missiles fired and killed twelve agents.

"Wait, is no one else going to deal with the fact that Cap just said, Language?" Tony asked as he made sure Peter didn't get hurt.

"It slipped out." Steve retorted and continued to pummel other agents. Wanda and Vision were double tagging an Agent, as Scott and Peter continued to babble.

"SHIT!" You cursed, louder this time.

"For Gosh Sakes! Watch your language!" Tony said, smirking.

"Fuck, I've been hit." You said into the comms and Tony's eyes widen. He quickly looked around for you, but you weren't anywhere he could see.

"Where are you?" He asked as he frantically looked around. His heart rate spiking up.

"Steve's here with me. I'm fi—,"

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" He yelled into the comms and you could hear his panicked breathing.

"I'm over by the hill where Clint's at." You said, you saw Bruce run off the quinjet to help you. Bruce grabbed the first aid kit, which they had in the jet, and tried to cure some of your wounds.

Out of no where, The Iron Man suit dropped down from the air and it opened to reveal a frightened Tony.

"Are you ok?" He asked softly. You nod and wince as Bruce applied pressure to your wound.

Tony saw the large gash on the side of your stomach. He gave you a sad smile and helped you along with Bruce. Steve noticed you were in good hands and went off to help the others.

"Is Y/N good?" Scott asked, clearly concerned.

"Yep." Tony said, but he didn't sound confident. He helped Bruce wrap your side with bandages. Tony held onto your hand tightly, afraid to let you go.

He kissed the top of your hand and sent you a forced smile. You smile back at him and cup his cheek.

"A little help?!" Loki yelled interrupting the moment.

"YOU AIN'T DOING SHIT LOKI!" Tony yelled back and Loki flipped him off. You chuckled and Tony looked back at you.

Bruce now went to the bullet wound on your shoulder. Tony bit his lower lip and looked around the battle field, making sure if his teammates needed help.

"Tony, aren't you going to go back on the field?" You asked as Bruce wrapped your shoulder up.

"No, they're fine, I'll stay with you." Tony said and held your hand in his tighter.

"Tony we kind of need your help!" Steve yelled as he blocked Bucky from a punch. Sam made bird sounds while perched on Bucky's shoulders.

"Get off me you dick!" Bucky yelled at Sam. Sam just made louder bird sounds.

Tony rolled his eyes and pecked your lips quickly.

"I love you." He said and let the suit engulf him. He flew over to where Steve and the others are. Bruce grinned as his best friend flew away.

"Sam, get your ass out of my face!" Bucky yelled and Steve had to stop them from fighting. Sam still held onto a Bucky's shoulders.

"Guys stop!" Steve yelled and launched his shield forward. It made contact with four agents and it came back to him.

"Steve! Sam is hurting my shoulders!" Bucky whined. Tony rolled his eyes and fired off a lot of agents.

Loki laughed at Bucky and Sam from above. Scott and Peter continued to talk about fandoms and shit.

Wade watched from the corner, smiling at the readers.

Then a loud high pitched shriek was heard. It belonged to Sam Wilson as Bucky tried to fire a bullet at him.

You heard everything from where you were.

"Dorks." You mumble and Bruce chuckled. An arrow whizzed by Sam's head.

"Clint stop firing arrows at me! I THOUGHT WE WERE BIRD BROS!"

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