You Little Shit!/Requested

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Requested by salvatorescoven

#202: Other Avenger Kisses You

Warnings: Jealous and Possessive Tony! Cursing

You've been warned


You were talking to Clint and Nat by the bar. Clint mostly talking about his family while, you and Nat listened.

You enjoyed hearing Clint talk about his family. He would go on for hours and he was so passionate about it. It was really adorable.

"Hey, Y/N." Steve said and patted your shoulder. Clint and Nat left to talk about his family.

"Yeah, Steve?" You asked and looked up at the blond. Steve sent you a sad smile.

"Well, I don't want to make you angry or sad or anything. But Tony's flirting with some girl." Steve said and pointed to Tony obviously flirting with some girl.

Your raised a brow and smirked. You looked back up at Steve.

"Ok, Steve, I need you to dance with me." You said and quickly took Steve's hands in yours.

Steve raised a brow and You grinned at him. You glanced at Tony who was with the other woman and he was sending you smirks.

"This is some dysfunctional relationship." Steve commented as he saw the sneaky glances. You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah whatever, just dance with me." You said and he brought you towards the dance floor.

Tony had hosted another party for absolutely no reason. Most Likely to get you jealous. That's how that relationship was. Who could get the other jealous.

Dysfunctional, as Steve would put it.

You placed your hands around Steve's neck. Steve brought his hands onto your hips. You and him swayed to the music.

You looked into his blue eyes and You blushed. Steve also had a tint of red on his cheeks. He chuckled as he saw Tony snarl.

"He's getting jealous." Steve said and you smirked. You brought your head against Steve's broad chest and you smiled.

Steve comfortable with you there, sneaked another glance at Tony. Tony's fists were curled into fists and his short figure angry.

He had stop flirting with the other girl. He was too focused on you.

"He's just staring, now." Steve said and you nodded. You looked back up at him and smiled. Steve saw Tony now bring a girl to the dance floor.

You raised a brow and smirked. That's how he wants to play.

He began kissing the girls neck and she chuckled. You felt yourself get a bit pissed. You didn't show it though.

"What now?" He asked and you bit your lower lip. Tony raised a brow and smirked in your direction.

"Kiss me." You said and Steve's eyes widen. His cheeks getting redder. He stuttered with his words.

"Ar-Are you sure Y/N? I mea—,"

"Just kiss me Steve." You said and Steve obliged. Steve leaned forward and planted his soft lips on yours.

You let Steve take advantage of the kiss and you smirked. Steve worked his tongue into your mouth.

You and him fighting for dominance. Then you two separate. Steve's face red.

"Was that good?" He asked. You turned to look at Tony and the other girl.

Tony was gone.

So was the other girl.

You growled in anger, if that little shit brought her to bed.

"Yeah it was great, Steve." You said and Steve beamed. You and him sat back at the bar and got a few drinks.

"Where's Tony?" He asked looking around the crowd. You shrugged and took a sip from your beverage.

"I don't know? Probably fucking some prostitute." You commented and Steve nodded slowly.

Steve put a reassuring hand onto your shoulder.

"Can I talk to you?" You turned around to see Tony angrily looking at Steve. You rolled your eyes and nodded.

"I should get going. See ya, Y/N." Steve said and kissed your cheek. You chuckled and looked back at Tony.


"So....You and Rogers, Huh?" He asked and you raised a brow. Did Tony not know you and him were dating?

"Well, No." You say and Tony nods and looks back up at you.

"Did he really kiss you?" He asked a bit more angrily. You sighed and gave him a look.

"Yes." You said and you looked at him. He bit his lower lip.

"He shouldn't be kissing you!"

"Oh I'm sorry! I can't kiss Steve and you can kiss a woman's neck?!" You asked and Tony rolled his eyes.

"Well I didn't fuck her!"

"I didn't fuck Steve." You snarled and Tony pinched the bridge of his nose.

"That's besides the point! I'm the only one who should be kissing you!" He growled and brought you closer to him.

His arms were now onto your hips, pushing you more closer to him. Tony licked his lips and you gulped.

Tony pressed his lips against yours. The kiss full of passion and jealousy. His tongue trying to slip into your mouth.

You denied and he growled. You and him separated and Tony smirked.

"See, I should be the only one kissing you like that."

"You're jealous!" You said and threw your hands up. Tony quickly covered your mouth so none of his guests heard.

"No I wasn't." He mumbled and you rolled your eyes.

"Yes you were!"

"No I wasn't!" Your frowned at his false statement.

"Ok then." You said and Tony nodded and smiled.

"I guess I'll go talk to Steve then." But before you could leave Tony grabbed your wrist and shook his head.

"Fine I am jealous." He said and you smiled. You wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Wait, what did you do with the girl?" You asked.

"Well, I told her I couldn't talk to her anymore, because I had a girlfriend." Tony said smirking. You rolled your eyes.

"You little shit." You grinned and Tony rolled his eyes.

"Yep, but I'm your little shit."

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