We Love You Both, 3000

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Warnings: Cursing, Angst



Honestly I just really wanted to write about Endgame.


Natasha looked out into the beautiful atmosphere. It truly took her breath away, as the breeze blew back her hair gently. She sat at the edge, and smiled, taking in all the scenery.

A small reminder of what had happened on Vomir, crept back into her mind. She hoped Clint would realize, how much of a great friend he was to her. She did it all for him, and to save the universe. The smile was back on her face, hoping Clint wouldn't grief forever.

Natasha felt a small breeze coming from behind her, unlike the one pointing at her. She rose a brow, until she heard,

"Agent Romanoff....You miss me?" Natasha's eyes widen and she turned around to see none other than Tony Stark. His eyes glazed over, a pained smile crept onto his lips. She got up and ran over to him, hugging him like never before. His eyes widen,

"Wow, this is new," He added chuckling. She let out a small laugh and looked at him.

"Shut it, Stark," She said and sat back down. He sat next to her, his gaze now on the scenery as well.

"What you do?" She asked and Tony tilted his head to look at her.

"Oh nothing, just used all the stones and snapped," He added with a smirk. Natasha rolled her eyes at him and scoffed.

"Oh please, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have the stone," She teased causing him to laugh. Silence soon overtook the peace and they sighed happily. But, it wasn't enough. They both had people they missed, who were alive. They couldn't help but feel like they abandoned them.

The painful memories of leaving their loved ones scared, and terrified.

"Please, No,"

"It's okay,"

Natasha closed her eyes in grief. The scene replaying in her mind. She glanced over at Tony who was staring out into the distance, tears running down his cheeks.

"We won Mr. Stark. We did it sir,"

"You can rest now,"

Tony smiled through the pain, knowing that you and Peter wouldn't be in vain if his death. Natasha sighed and they both calmed down.


You sat on the couch, next to Peter, Happy, Rhodey, Pepper, and Morgan. Tears coming down your cheeks as the projection of Tony was switched off. You couldn't stop the sobs that escaped your throat, as Peter hugged you tightly.

Peter sniffles, his eyes red and glazing over with tears. You couldn't believe your fiancé was....gone. He did everything to protect the Earth, and now, he died protecting it. Your brother Steve put a comforting hand onto your shoulder, reassuring you everything would be alright.

You shook your head and ran out the house. Everything was happening too fast. One minute, Tony was looking at you with so much love, saying how much he loved you. The next he was snapping his fingers, saving the world.

Oh how you wanted to hate him for doing such a thing. But he did it to save millions. You couldn't stay angry at that man. You cried silently as you sat on a porch looking out into the distance.

A sentence kept replaying in your mind as you remembered the man you loved,

"I love you 3000,"

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