Those Brown Eyes/Requested

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Requested by ToniasStank

Warnings: Cursing, smut,


"STEVE!" You yell and run behind the tall soldier. Steve raises a brow as Tony walks into the hallway, his hands dug into his pockets.

"Cap," Tony says bluntly and walks past him. Tony walks down the hall and into Rhodey's room silently. Steve raises a brow at you now.

"He was saying the sexual innuendos again!" You complain and Steve snorts. You frown at him and sigh in annoyance.

"Why are you whining? You've been flirting with him for the past six months," Steve retorts causing you to stick your tongue out at him.

"First of all, Fuck you," You say to the Solider as he chuckles lightly. His bright blue orbs rested onto you. "Secondly, He started it."

Steve was about to reply when he heard Sam and Bucky yelling from his room. He lets out an annoyed groan and grudgingly makes his way over to his room. You narrow your eyes at him and start walking towards the living room.

Natasha was seated down, talking with Clint about the program they were watching. Or about murder, probably both. Clint was laughing so, who knows?

You walked past them and made a b-line for your room. Suddenly you were whipped around by none other than Tony Stark. His eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze on you. You looked into his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes.

His tongue darted from between his lips and you clenched your jaw. His palms rested on the wall behind you. You were stuck between the man and the wall.

"You got a lot of explaining to do, Miss Y/N," He teases, leaning forward slowly. His plump, soft lips hovering over yours ever so slightly. Your bottom lip grazed his, causing him to intake a sharp breath.

Just as he was about to press his mouth to yours, the ice cream truck bell rang. Tony separated from you as Peter ran down the hall. Sam and Scott chasing after the truck as well behind him.

You chuckled and smiled innocently at Tony who was clearly flustered. You leaned up, and pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips. Tony's eyes widen as you walked down the hall towards the others. He followed you as Steve screamed at Bucky to hurry so they could get ice cream.

You walked outside to see Peter with the biggest smile on his face. A large ice cream cone clutched in his right hand. Just as he was about to eat some, Sam bumped into him, causing the Teen's ice cream to fall. Peter frowned and sighed sadly.

You chuckled lightly and walked up to the truck. You ordered a popsicle for yourself, and another cone for Peter.

"Thank you!" He replied cheerfully as you handed him the cone. He happily ate it and talked with the others. Tony decided to not get anything. Mostly because his gaze was on your mouth wrapping around the popsicle. He shouldn't be thinking of dirty things, but he's Tony Stark. So he did.

Tony shifted from one foot to another. His lip caught between his teeth. You didn't notice him until you heard him excuse himself from the group. You watched him walk down the hall, and turn towards his bedroom. You saw him shove his hand into his pants as he walked into his room.

You choked on your popsicle, realizing what the male was doing. You ate the last bit of the popsicle and you walked down the hall, towards his room. You were gonna knock, but you didn't want to intrude. So you were gonna walk back to your room.

Then, you heard Tony release a loud breathless moan. You froze and your eyes widen at the sound. You clenched your jaw as you told yourself that it wasn't the most attractive you had heard. Now, you debated wether going in or not. You finally made your decision as Tony growled out your name.

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