You Asked For It/Requested

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Requested by Expathyl

Warnings: Cursing


That was the fucking worst pain you've ever experienced in your life. You just gave birth, 10 minutes ago.

Fortunately, James Stark was born healthy. Tony had tears coming down his cheeks during the whole thing.

Once they left to clean the baby up, Tony looked at you.

"You make it look so hard." He commented and you sent him a look.

"Hey douchebag, it was." You said and he rolled his eyes. This fucker really wanted to go there.

"I bet you couldn't even stand the pain." You said and Tony scoffed.

"Ok." He said and you narrowed your eyes at him.

Couple weeks later

"Tony get your ass in here!" You yelled from the lab. Tony raced in and saw you smirking.

"What?" He asked.

"We're going out." You said and he raised a brow.

"Where's James?" He asked and you sighed.

"My Friends are taking care of him." You said and Tony nodded.

You and him got into the car and you drove into a building. It looked like a hospital to Tony.

You lead him inside and into a room. He saw a monitor and one of your friends.

"Hey Zach." You said hugging him. Zach hugged back and sent Tony a small smirk.

Tony looked at the small hospital bed in the room.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Remember when you said you could handle labor pain better than me?" You asked. Tony nodded and his eyes widen.

"Oh." He said and stared at the machine.

"What, Are you afraid?" You asked as Zach chuckled. Tony shook his head and glared at you.

"Also, Tony get changed. Only in your underwear." You said and Tony nodded. Zach left the room to help your other friends with James.

A specialist came in when Tony was down in his boxers.

"So in order to have the full experience, we are going to put these (shows Tony object in her hand) on your back, lower stomach and near your—,"

"Dick." You said and Tony's eyes widen in fear.

You helped apply the objects onto Tony's body. The nurse had put two on his back. You put two on his lower stomach.

You put the last two onto his inner thighs. You sat next to him and you grasped his hand.

"Ok ready?" You asked. Tony nodded and the pain begun. Tony groaned, but kept himself under control.

"This isn't that hard." He said and you raised a brow at him.

"You haven't even gotten to the hard part." You said and he took in a deep breath.

"Fuck." He cursed and squeezed your hand tightly. His upper body jolted forwards in pain.

"AHH SHIT!" He yelled louder and his right hand went to his stomach.

"Is he ok?" Zach asked and popped his head through the door. His eyes widen when he saw Tony in pain.

"I'll take that as a no." He said and chucked.

You smiled and looked down at Tony.

"Are you ok, babe?" You asked and he nodded. His face grew red and he cursed.

"Ok maybe we should stop." You said and he shook his head.

"No it's super eas-FUCK MAKE IT STOP!" He yelled and the machine was turned off. You looked at the monitor and laughed.

"Tony you're weak." You said looking at the monitor.

"Why?" He asked glancing at you.

"It was on Period cramp level, dumbass."

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