Italian Woman/Requested

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Requested by Expathyl

Warnings: Cursing, Italian speaking, mentions of sex

I probably spelt some of these wrong, sorry if it did.


You groan in annoyance, mornings suck ass. Clint was sitting on the couch and he saw you walk in.

"Heeeeyyyy!" He said waving at you smirking.

"How was sleeping with Tony?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows, and stuffs his mouth with cereal.

"Vaffanculo, Clint - (Fuck Off Clint)," Clint narrowed his eyes at you.

"What did you say?" He asked raising a brow.

"I said I love you." You said smirking. He frowned and pulled out his phone.

He went to his translator app and tried to search up the word.

Tony walked into the living room next. He gave you a small smile and hugged you.

"I love you." He mumbled and kissed your cheek.

"Love you too." You said, running your fingers through his bed hair. He separated from you and went to make breakfast.

Clint rolled his eyes and stuffed his phone back into his pocket. He was pissed, he wasn't able to crack your code.

"Whatever. I'll go talk to Nat." He said and walked away sassily.

Steve and Bucky walked into the room. They smelled the food from their room and decided to stop by.

"What you making?" Steve asked grinning. Tony yawned and motioned to the carton of eggs next to him.

"Can you make us some?" Bucky asked as Tony nodded.

Bucky and Steve brought their conversation to the table when they sat down. You helped Tony with the food until it was done.

"So, Y/N." He said and gave you his rare smile.

"I was thinking, that maybe, we should invite your family over." He continued and brought a piece of bacon towards his mouth.

You smiled and nodded.

"Sure." You said and hurriedly ate all your food. You ran towards your bedroom to start calling your family.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Steve asked when you left. Tony shrugged and finished his bacon.

"I hope so."


You got ready quickly, you wore a nice (fav color) dress with the same color heels. You saw Tony with a Tux on. He was trying to straighten his tie.

"Dannazione, sembri sexy (Damn It, you look hot/sexy)," You say pouting.

Tony raises a brow but smirks.

"I heard Sexy so I'm going to say Thanks." You chuckle and pecked his lips.

You heard a knock at the door and you smile. You and him we all over to the door and open it.

Your family greeted you with hugs.

"I missed you guys so much." You said hugging your parents. Tony was awkwardly standing near the corner.

Your eyes widen as you realize the amount of family that came. They all shook Tony's hand, Tony faked a smile and sent you a look that read help.

You laugh and greet your family.

As you were catching up with your family members, Tony was talking to your father.

"So, I was just wondering. I want your blessing for Y/N's hand in marriage." Tony said looking at his scotch.

Your father smiles and nodded. Tony smiled back.

You notice their smiling and talking. You grew curious and walked over to them.

"What's going on?" You asked. Your father chuckled and replied,

"Sto solo dicendo a Tony di usare la protezione durante il sesso (I'm just telling Tony to use protection during sex)," your father said laughing.

Tony nods along, not understanding what he just said. You blush and roll your eyes.

"Dad no." You said and Tony's cheeks turns a bit red.

"Seriously." He replied and you sent Tony a look. He just continued to nod along. Tony saw your genuine smile as you talked to your family members and he grinned.

This was a great idea

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