Do You Even Love Me?

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Warnings: Cursing and Sad Tony


You and Tony have been dating for over a month now. You guys still hadn't said the three magic words yet.

You didn't want the relationship to go fast and wanted it to go more slow. Your last relationship wasn't the best either.

Your last boyfriend manipulated you into loving him and then left you. It took a big toll on you so you were always self aware during relationships.

Tony was a different matter. He was caring and kind with you. Sometimes he could be a dick, but overall he was super sweet.

He stepped out of the shower, towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets clung to his body as he searched for something to wear.

You were on your computer typing and doing some work.

Tony finally slipped on some boxers, black sweats, and a Black Sabbath Tee. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms behind you.

He kissed the side of your head and put his chin on your shoulder.

"Hey Babe." He said and you mumbled in response.

He smiled and bit his lower lip. Should he say it? Was it too soon? No way! You guys have been dating for Two Months, 13 weeks, 3 days, 2 hours, and 15 minutes.

Not that he was keeping count or anything.

"I love you." He finally whispered into your ear lovingly. He awaited for your answer.

"That's nice Tony." You replied and continued to do work. Tony frowned and sat in the chair next to yours. He looked at your computer screen.

"Hello?" He asked and you huffed. You turned to him and cocked your head to the side.

"Yes?" You asked and Tony grinned.

"I love you." He said lovingly.

"I know I heard you the first time." You said as your hands hovered over the keyboard again. Tony felt his heart sink.

He had hoped you'd say it back to him. He frowned and nodded.

"Yeah. Ok." He said in a small voice and stood up. He left the room and walked towards the living room.

He sat on the couch and sighed sadly. He skimmed through channels and went to retrieve breakfast.


After several hours, you finished your work. You fist pumped and saved the document. Once you closed out you walked into the living room.

You glance around and don't notice Tony anywhere. You shrugged and walked over to the fridge. You pulled out a carton of Apple Juice.

You pour yourself a glass and put pieces of bread into the toaster. You waited for them to finish and you spread butter onto them.

You munched on them alone in the kitchen.

"Alone?" A voice said and you screeched. Clint laughed and you glared at him.

"Clint." You warmed and he smirked in response. He opened the fridge and grabbed a carton of chocolate milk.

"Where's Tony?" You asked and Clint shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe in the lab." Clint said and you nodded. You walked over to the lab and looked inside.

Sure enough, Bruce and Tony were inside. Bruce glanced at you and smiled widely. Tony turned and his heart sunk even lower.

"Hey, Y/N!" Bruce said and walked over to you. You smiled at the slightly taller man. Bruce smiled back and glanced at Tony.

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