You Promised!!

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The Avengers knew about the secret between you and Stark. They knew that when he couldn't sleep at night, you were his go to.

After Pepper left him, Tony couldn't stand being or feeling alone in bed. So when he got his frequent nightmares he retreated to your room.

Today was one of those nights.

Tony shot up in bed, as sweat ran down his forehead.  His pants filled up the silent room.

"Y/N?" He asked and looked around.

He got up and walked into the hallway. He had a blanket wrapped around his body. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were red.

He shivered with every step closer to your room.

Once he got to your door he knocked on it. His Anxiety taking the better of him so he knocked a couple times.

You eventually opened the door and your eyes widen at who it was.

"Tony. Come in." You said and let him in.

He nodded and walked into your room and laid in bed.

You got your pillow and blanket and laid them on the ground.

"No sleep up here with me. Please." He said.

You sighed and nodded. You got your items and slept next to him on the bed.

You whistled sweetly. This made Tony feel calm too. He loved the sound of you humming or singing. But if it was night he loved the melody you whistled.

His hand on your waist making sure you don't leave him. You hugged him, making sure he knew you were there next to him.

It always calmed him down. You calmed him down.

"Night Tony." You said and kissed his head.

His breathing calmed and he nodded.

"Next time I'll go to your room." You said and yawned.

"Promise." Tony asked.

You nodded and soon fell asleep into his embrace.


That's how it always was.

You would go into Tony's room and help him through his Nightmares.

Jarvis was there to regard you of Tony's special needs.

But One day, you didn't show up.

And it was all Clint's fault.


Anyway, Clint thought it was a good idea to turn off Jarvis, to piss of Tony.

One of his pranks to make sure the Genius, Playboy didn't make anymore pranks on him. You thought the whole prank war was ridicule.

So Clint turned the AI off.

No one knew about Jarvis notifying you about Tony's nightmares. Everyone thought you just knew.

To make things Even Worse, Tony's room is completely sound proof. For many reasons.

So one night he was screaming loudly and calling out your name. Tears coming down his cheeks..

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