Team Iron Man Part 2

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Spoilers for Infinity War

Tony stared at Bruce.

Bruce was unsuccessfully turning into the hulk.

"Dude, your embarrassing me in front of the wizards." He whispered.

You chuckled.

Doctor Strange and Wong held their hands up as Magic beamed.

"Tony you help Banner. I got this." You said.

You tugged on your sweater and smirked.

"Your gonna get it now Squidward." You mumbled.

You double tapped on your Arc Reactor.

You took your glasses off and smiled.

You started to walk forward as the suit engulfed You instantly.

"Woah." Bruce said. Tony sent you a proud smile.

"Let's go." You said. The wings flew out of the suit as you began to fly.

You aimed Your repulsers at Ebony Maw/Squidward.

"Stand down. Final warning." You said.

Ebony used his powers and sent a car towards you. You backflipped nearly missing it.

"Fire missiles." You said as the missiles went flying from your suit.

"Tony." You said.

Tony nodded and pulled down on his sweater.

He double tapped on his Arc Reactor as his body turned into his Iron Man Suit.

His wings helped him fly and get near you.

"Wanna dance?" He asked and pulled you close as Squidward shot a car at you.

You chuckled.

"A little help?!" Stephen Strange said as he and Wong tried to hold of Maw.

Tony groaned and aimed his repulser at Maw and fired.

A powerful blast sent Maw backwards.

He regained composure and growled.

"You pissed him off now." You said and got into fighting stance.

Tony just laughed and began the fight.


"Alright. Kid. Your an Avenger." Tony said.

Peter beamed and smiled widely.

"We are near Titan." Strange said.

You look to see the planet nearing.

"Here we go." You said


"Stay focused." You yelled. Tony fought Thanos harshly. Quill and Drax were defeated.

Strange was helping you with something.

Then Thanos ripped Tony's mask off.

The mask quickly engulfed his head once again.

The suit was being teared apart.

Now Tony's arm and face were visible.

"Hey Dumb Ass!" You yelled at Thanos.

Thanos turned to you and sent you a glare.

You smirk and fire Your repulser.

Thanos blocked but Tony landed his foot against his chest.

Thanos punched Tony with the Infinity Gauntlet.

You growled and a sword formed against your hand.

In the other a larger repulser.

You aimed the repulser and fired.

You then went to stab Thanos.

He dodged and punched you.

You quickly backflipped and shoved your sword forward.

Tony aimed his large repulser in Thanos' ugly face.

Thanos quickly countered your attack and shoved your hand sideways.

You shoved your hand forwards it landed in someone's body.

It impaled Tony.

"Nooo!" You yelled.

Tears were coming down your cheeks.

"I hope they remember you." Thanos said smirking.

Your fists clenched.

You growled and aimed a repulser at him.

You fired and the form of  the sword quickly engulfed your hand.

You slashed it across Thanos Face.

Leaving blood to drip from his cheek.

Thanos chuckled.

"All that for a drop of blood?"  He quickly grabbed your hand.

He crushed it slowly.

You cried out in pain.

Tony yelled as tears came down his eyes.

He turned it back on you.

"Stop!" Stephen said. Thanos turned to him and clenched his arms around you.

Sending pain through your body.

"I'll give you the stone. Just leave them alone." Strange said.

"Don't do it." Tony said.

Thanos let go of you and walked towards Strange.

"No tricks?" Stephen nodded in agreement.

Strange quickly gave him the green stone.

Tony healed himself quickly as Thanos left.

He ran to you and hugged you.

"Shit." You cursed.

"It's ok. I got you." Tony said.

Your hand traced the area he got stabbed.

"I'm so sorry." You said.

Tony shook his head and kissed you.

"It wasn't your fault."


"Mr. Stark. I don't feel so good." Peter said.

You look at Tony's scared expression.

He just witnessed Doctor Strange And Quill disintegrate away.

And now Tony had to watch Peter, a boy he found to think of as a son, leave him too.

"Your alright." Tony said as Peter fell into his arms.

"I don't wanna go Mr.Stark.  Please don't let me go." Peter cried.

Tony gave Peter a sad look as tears threatened to come down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry..." Peter then disintegrate away.

You knelt beside Tony.

He quickly hugged you close and sobbed.

"This is all my fault." He said.

You hugged him close and glared at the world around you.

Thanos Won.

And Tony blamed himself.

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