Request 2 for Fluff

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Warnings: Cursing, Fluff


The Mission Alarm blared throughout the tower. All the Avengers let out furious groans as they walked towards the main area. Steve was the first one there, his shield secured onto his back.

Bucky would've been second, but he put his pants on backwards. Clint was finished and he went over to Natasha's room.

"Nat, we have a mis-,"

"IM NOT GOING! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" Natasha yelled and Clint ran away. Most of the team was already in the living room, waiting for you and Tony.

"Where are they?!" Steve asked angrily.

You finally walked into the entrance exhaustingly. Steve snorted as you took Clint's coffee and drunk it.

"Come on Tony, we have a mission," Tony grudgingly walked in. His eyes were puffy from barely waking up, his hair obviously messy. He let out a small adorable yawn, a blanket draped around him. The blanket was wrapped around him like a burrito, tuffs of his soft hair were peaking out from underneath.

"What kind of asshole, tries to take over the world, AT THREE IN THE GOD DAMN MORNING?!"

"PREACH STARK!" Natasha yelled from her room. You snort and Tony whines about not wanting to go.

"Just stay here then,"

"No, I don't wanna go back to bed alone," He pouts causing Steve to roll his eyes. You sigh and shake your head. He follows you onto the quinjet with the others. You all got on and Steve begins to drive.

"Y/N!" Tony whines and runs over to you. You sit down on the seat and Tony sits next to you. "Sam made fun of my Captain America Boxers."

"He's just jealous he doesn't have some," You reply yawing. Tony seems to yawn after you, and he snuggles into you. You wrap an arm around the billionaire and he leans onto you.

The quinjet parks and Steve motions for you to come with him. You get up and Tony whines from the lost of warmth.

"I gotta go Tony,"


"To save the world."


"I'm not gonna deal with you," You mumble and kiss his forehead. He smiles softly as you leave the quinjet. You run after Steve and Bucky. You all exchanged comm sets and got ready.

You all fight off a bunch of bad guys and destroy the HQ they're being sent from. It was an easy fight, and everyone was eager to get back to bed after you all finished.

As you walked back, Steve pulled you with him. You looked at your brother questioningly.

"What do you see in him?" Steve asked, genuinely curious. You raised a brow at the question.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you see in Tony? Why are you guys dating?"

You sighed and shook your head. You guys weren't gonna have this conversation right now.

"Lay off Steve," You retort and your brother refuses. He's afraid of you getting a broken heart.

"I'm serious Y/N. You know how he is, he's a playboy," Steve says and you gave him a soft glare. You both drop the conversation as you get back onto the quinjet.

You walk in to see Tony sitting in the corner of the quinjet half asleep. You laugh at his adorableness and sit next to him. Tony's head drops onto your shoulder, soft snores leaving his lips.


At home you and Tony got on the couch. He laid down and cuddled with you. His arms wrapped around you securely, as he hid his head into the crook of your neck. You chuckled as Steve walked into the room.

Tony shivers, since he forgot the blanket in the quinjet. He kisses your forehead and sets out to get it.

Steve then slides next to you, a determined glint in his eyes.

"Y/N, is your relationship....serious?" He asked, not wanting to push you. You sighed and rolled your eyes.

"I don't know Steve,"

"I knew it, he's just using you!"

"That's not what it is Steve,"

"Has he even said he loved you?!"

That shut you up. You had no back up for that sentence that he said. You sighed in defeat as your brother's soft eyes found yours.

"No.." You mumbled hastily. Steve crosses his arms and sits back in his seat.

"Of course he hasn't,"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" Tony's shaking voice asked angrily. Steve whipped his head around to see the billionaire now with a blanket clutched in his right fist.

Tony held in the rage that he wanted to display. He kept a cool stance, but his eyes gave away the anger he was feeling.

"Nothing," Steve replies and moved to sit back in his seat.

"No, Rogers! I've had enough of you controlling our relationship!" Tony pointedly glared at Steve. "That's between me and Y/N! Stay out of it!"

"I have to make sure she's happy!"

"She is!"

"How do you know?!"

"....she hasn't left me yet.." The words escaped Tony's lips bellow a whisper. But it was loud enough for you and Steve to catch it.

"I'm sorry Tony, it takes time to trust you," Steve replies and Tony scoffs.

"You don't trust me to take care of her?!"

"I'm afraid you'll hurt her, Stark!"

"Why would I Steve?! I LOVE HER!" Tony shouts at the older man. Your eyes widen and Tony froze. A sly smirk grew onto Steve's face.

"You son of a bitch," Clint mumbled from the vents. Two crips twenty dollar bills fell from above and onto Steve's lap. The Solider took them and smiled at you two.

"Have fun!" He said and made his exit. Tony clenched his jaw, his eyes narrowed.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me,"

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