Age Gap

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"Excuse me?" Tony asked a bit taken back at Steve's comment.

"I'm just saying Tony. She's probably in it for the money." Steve said crossing his arms. Natasha rolled her eyes at the men.

They were discussing your relationship with Tony.

"I haven't even started dating her yet!" Tony yelled in anger. Steve sighed and took a sip of his coffee.

"I'm just saying, and she's way younger than you."

Tony clenched his fists and rolled his eyes.

"What do you think, Romanoff?" He asked clenching his jaw. Natasha sighed in annoyance, staring at the two men.

"I mean I don't think she's in it for the money. But she is pretty young." Nat said agreeing with both sides.

Tony pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at Steve once more.

"She's not that young."

"She's 19, Tony!" Steve growled in anger. Tony rolled his eyes and walked away ignoring him.

"Whatever, just be downstairs in an hour!" Tony yelled at him. Steve growled and walked into his room.

Clint walked into the room already dressed.

"Damn, Laser Tag is going to be a pain in the ass this year." He commented, making Natasha chuckle.

Tony hated the fact that Steve had the nerve to talk to him like that. He opened the door to his room and quickly got dressed.

His anger with Steve was something he couldn't control at the moment.

He decided to ignore it and actually put some clothes on. He sprayed some cologne on after he dressed.

Once he had some formal clothes on, a buttoned up, white shirt and some black pants, he walked into the living area.

You sat there with a large red hoodie and blue jeans. Under the hoodie you wore a Captain America shirt.

Tony smiled at Your relaxed state.

"Hey Tony." You said, finally noticing him standing there. Tony nodded and waved back awkwardly.

"Ahem." Tony quickly turned around to see Steve in the doorway.

He wore a blue t shirt that basically clung to his figure with blue jeans. His hands were stuffed into his pockets.

Next to him was none other than Bucky Barnes. Bucky wore a blue cap, with a dark blue shirt.

Over it he wore a brown jacket, with black pants.

Tony glared at the taller man. Your eyes were fixated on the three men. Lord Jesus. They were going to be the end of you.

"We should get going." You said and stood up. You had a bright smile on your face.

Tony felt his heart skip a beat at that smile. He nodded and looped his arm with yours.

He sent Steve a smirk, walking with you towards the car. Natasha and Clint merely chuckled.

Bruce wore a causal purple shirt and blue jeans, he propped his glasses onto his nose.

Sam finally ran through the doors and got into a separate car with Steve and Bucky. He cheered and pumped his fist into the air,

"Laser Tagging here we come!


Tony pulled up to the Laser Tag arena. He passed the manager a hundred dollar bill and got the arena to himself.

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