Tony Let You Cuss Once/Dad!Tony Stark

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Got inspiration from This video
(All rights to owner of video)

You and Peter were laughing in class. You and him couldn't contain your laughter. Ned was pretending to stick a pencil into his mouth.

You and Peter rolled your eyes. Ned chocked and you and Peter chuckled loudly.

The teacher turned around and glared at you and him.

"Peter..." the teacher growled. Peters face grew red.

"Meet me after class you two." She said. Flash chuckled and gave you two dirty looks. You flipped him off.

As the bell rang you and Peter stayed behind. Peter's face grew red. How was he supposed to explain this to May?

You decided to take one for the team.

"Ms. Green." You said. She turned to you and raised a brow.

"It was me who was laughing. I made Peter laugh." You said. Peter's eyes widen.

"Is this true Peter?" She asked him. Peter gulped, You nodded your head. He sighed and did the same.

"Ok go home Parker." She said, dismissing him. You were left with the teacher.

She sat in her desk and started to write something on a piece of paper.

She stepped out of her seat and stapled it to your shirt. Lucky enough not to hurt you, or else you could've sued the hoe.

She gave you a look.

"Now make sure your mother reads this." She said. You scoffed.

"I'm alone with my father." You spat. She glared at you.

"Just show them, oh and detention if you don't." She said and dismissed you from class.

You sighed and walked home. You felt angry at her and clenched Your fists. How were you going to tell your dad.

You just wanted to take the detention instead. You walked into the tower.

No one seems to be inside so you walked inside.

"Ahem." You quickly turned around and covered the paper stapled to your shirt.

Steve stared at you with an eyebrow raised.

You gulped. Your tried to quickly leave but Steve spoke instead.

"Where do you think your going?" He asked. You groaned in annoyance and walked towards him.

What does Steve have to be such a mom?!

"Tony Your Kids hiding something!" Steve yelled. You glared at him angrily. You crossed your arms.

"Tattletale." You sneered at him.

Tony's hurried footsteps came and he ran into the living room.

"Y/N." He said calmly. You uncrossed your hands and let him read the note.

Maybe if you showed more attention to your kid at home. They wouldn't act like a fool in school.

Tony growled and pried the note off of you. He ripped it and looked at you angrily.

"Now let me tell you something. Tell her. To mind her damn business, before I come down there and beat her ass!" Tony said. Steve raised a brow.

You gave him a nervous look.

"Ok do you want me to say it like that or do you want me to take some parts out?" You asked nervously. Tony gave you a glare.

"What'd I say?!? I said to tell her to mind her damn business! Before I come down there and beat her ass!" Tony said with anger.

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